Secondary News

Welcome back all Secondary families! Our hope is that across 2024 the stories, activities, experiences, and learning your child(ren) engage in at Bayside, will resonate with the heart of God. It has been pleasing to see the positive and enthusiastic start to the year made by our Secondary students. 


New students, including the Year 7’s, are fitting in well and quickly forming friendships as they adjust to a different environment. There has been a notable sense of calm across Years 7-12 and we are proud of the approach taken towards their learning and the standards that we uphold in our community.



Please make sure that you are familiar with the College’s Uniform Guidelines. It can be found on the BCC Parent Portal under ‘Uniform’. A reminder that school shoes must be closed black full leather, no mesh. This does not apply to PE shoes that are worn on PE days. We are still seeing some Secondary students in black mesh shoes. 


Every student is expected to wear a school hat during Term 1 and Term 4. Please make sure that your child has a College hat that is in good condition and clearly labelled. If you have any related questions, please refer these to the relevant Coorindator.


Years 7-9 Mr. Jay Johnstone or Miss Paris Farr

Years 10-12 Mr. Chris Alley


Secondary Camps

A reminder that the Secondary Camps programs will be running across the last two weeks of Term 1. Camp leaders will be in contact with parents this term with specific information pertaining to your child's camp. In the meantime, please direct any questions you may have to the following Secondary staff:


Year 7: Camp Rumbug. Wednesday 20th to Friday 22nd March. Leaders: Mrs Fiona Ryan and Miss Katie McCann


Year 8: The Island. Monday 25th to Thursday 28th March. Leaders: Mrs Ulli Austermann and Mr Peter Zwiersen


Year 9: Burnside Anglesea. Monday 25th to Thursday 28th March. Leaders: Mr Jay Johnstone and Miss Laura Scouller


Year 10: Central Australia. Monday 18th to Wednesday 27th March. Leaders: Mr Ken Berry and Mrs Jo Piening


Year 11: The Summit. Monday 25th to Thursday 28th March. Leaders: Mr Chris Alley and Mr James Siede


Year 12: Camp Allambee. Monday 25th to Thursday 28th March. Leaders: Mrs Rachelle Cooper and Mrs Sonja Campbell.


God bless,

James Kumnick, Head of Secondary

10-12 Coordinator Update

Last week we welcomed 155 students onto North campus, including our three Japanese exchange students. There have been a few logistical changes with locker and assembly locations, but students have adapted very quickly to these.


We also communicated our new structure for 10-12 students in terms of who they talk to for various needs. They are as follows:



  • Homeroom teacher
  • School Welfare Coordinator (Mr Sam Green)
  • 10-12 Coordinator ( Mr Alley)
  • Head of Secondary (Mr Kumnick)

Subject Specific

  • Subject teacher 
  • Your pathway coordinator (VM - Mr Berry or VCE Mr Williamson)
  • Change of subject - Mrs Smith

At our 10-12 assembly, I shared a devotion called “What good can come from Frankston?” My point was that although the city of Frankston is not always favourably regarded, some amazing things have started here. 

This includes Bill Pratt's first self-service supermarket with rooftop parking in Station St, the first Neighbourhood Watch in Victoria starting in Kananook in 1983, and one of the first fully Australian cars, the Hartnett, built in Hartnett Drive Seaford.


I suggested to the students that they might move on to achieve great things and make such a contribution to society that they will be the “good” that comes out of Frankston.

We are surveying students to ask for their ideas about future play space developments for North campus.


Mr Chris Alley, Year 10-12 Coordinator

Active Volunteering at Bayside

In the latest edition of the IVET Newsletter, Bayside Christian College was featured for our incredible Active Volunteering program championed by Mr Ken Berry. This is a massive boost for Bayside as this is sent to 20,000 students across Australia through the IVET network. You can read the article below across pages 5 and 6. Congratualtions team!


February Events

13/2Whole School Assembly 
19/2Secondary and Family School Photos
27/2Secondary Athletics Carnival
29/2New Parents Dinner 
7/3Secondary Swimming Carnival
13/3Year 8 Medieval Day
13/3Years 7 and 9 NAPLAN
14/3Years 7 and 10 Immunisations
14/3Community Market
14/3Years 7 and 9 NAPLAN
15/3Years 7 and 9 NAPLAN