Primary News

Hello Treasured Parents and Carers,


As I reflect on the week that has passed and anticipate the week ahead, I find inspiration in the message from my Devotional Calendar on my desk:


"Learning to be real,

Learning to be strong,

Learning to be you -

In all ways, God made you just who you are.

And who you are is amazing, inspiring, and irreplaceable."


The profound truth in these words resonates deeply, reminding us of the authenticity and strength bestowed upon us by our Creator. God recognises our efforts, sees into our hearts, and provides words that uplift and encourage us on our particular journeys.


These are the very ideals we aim to instil in our students – to embrace authenticity, cultivate strength, and celebrate their uniqueness. May the hope we share inspire them to become the salt of the earth, radiant lights in the world, and joyful bearers of hope.


A few important reminders and upcoming events:


Sun Smart Policy

During Terms 1 and 4, our "No hat, no play" policy is in effect. Students are encouraged to leave their school hats in their tubs. Forgetting or misplacing their hats will result in sitting during play times in the shaded area. This initiative aims to promote sun-smart habits and foster organisational responsibility.


Whole School Assembly

Our first Whole School Assembly is scheduled for Tuesday 13th February at 9:00 am. We extend a warm welcome to all parents and carers to join us for this gathering.


Prep Rest Day

Preps will have Wednesday off as a rest day.


Volunteering at Bayside

There are many ways for members of the Bayside community to volunteer in the Primary and across the College. We understand time is precious and value your partnership with the College to volunteer once a week, once a month or even once a term. 


If you wish to assist on excursions, camps, as a classroom helper or a range of other areas, please complete the Community Volunteer Expressions of Interest form below.



Primary Classroom Helpers Session

For all community members who submit the Community Volunteer Expression of Interst Form and want to assist in a classroom, there will be a Primary Classroom Helpers Session in G16 on Thursday 15th February at 9.00am OR Friday 16th February at 3.00pm. 


This course is an annual compliance requirement for all College volunteers. Young children are welcome, and the sessions will last for approximately 20 minutes.


Wishing you all a blessed week!

Mrs Danielle Lupi, Head of Primary

First Day of Prep 2024

There was lots of excitement in the air when our amazing 2024 Prep students started school on Thursday 1st February. They lined up beautifully at the door and cheerfully waved goodbye to parents, grandparents and special friends that had come to see them off. The teachers welcomed the students and we all prayed for a great day. 


It was amazing to feel God’s calming presence in the room. Students had the opportunity to explore the items in their table tub that had been prepared by the teachers. They all identified their named locker, workspace, and spot for crunch and sip. Once all the formalities were over, students got straight down to work, listening to a story, tracing a sentence, drawing pictures and practising some counting. After working so hard in the morning, the students had the opportunity to play together with a variety of toys in the class. Marble run and Lego were a big hit as were the Barbies, dinosaurs and cars. 


The children were encouraged to include new friends and get to know each other. Many are already showing the Bayside Way by being kind to others and demonstrating how responsibly they can look after the classroom resources. We continue to remind students of God’s love for them as well as Philippians 4:6 “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. 


We are super proud of all the Preps and excited to be able to help them grow and learn this year. - Mrs Donna Martin, Primary Teacher

Community Morning Tea

The Bayside Family Network hosted a Community Morning Tea on Tuesday 1st February for our parents and carer after the first day of school drop off. It was wonderful to see so many members of the Primary community come together for a cuppa and a chat. A big thank you to our wonderful Primary Leadership Team for assisting at the event!

Primary Swimming Carnival

What an epic day we had at the Primary Swimming Carnival at the outdoor Pines Forest Aquatic Centre on Friday, Feb 2nd! The energy and excitement was off the charts, and the house cheer was next level. The weather was on our side, making the day even more fantastic. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement, and everyone had a blast. 


What was an incredibly close finish in the end, a huge congratulations goes to everyone in Yellow House for taking home the gold with a whopping 349 points! Green House wasn't far behind at 343 points, securing 2nd place, and Red House brought the heat with 340 points to claim 3rd place. 


While there were so many fantastic swimmers, the highlight for many was the wild and wacky novelty events like noodle races and boogie board races that added an extra splash of fun. A massive shoutout to each and every one of you for bringing the fun and making it an unforgettable day. Let's keep that house spirit alive in everything we do! What a time to be alive! - Mr Zacc Klan, Primary PE Teacher

Meet the Teachers

On Thursday 8th February, families were invited into the Primary classrooms to meet their child's new teacher for 2024 and see some of the work they've been competing this past fortnight. There was a lot of excitment in the air as families saw where students were sitting, met some of their friends and had a chat with teachers and other parents.

February Events

12/2GRIP Conference Year 6 Leaders
13/2Whole School Assembly 
14/2Prep Rest Day
15/2Classroom Helpers Session
19/2Secondary and Family School Photos
20/2Primary, Staff and Family School Photos
21/2Prep Rest Day
21/2Primary District Swimming
22/2Classroom Carers Session
23/2Primary Assembly (5/6H)
28/2Prep Rest Day
29/2New Parents Dinner 6:30pm