Early Learning Centre

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you." - Deuteronomy 31:6


A warm welcome to our families for our 2024 kindergarten year. It has been a pleasure to guide you through the orientation process watching your time at Bayside begin and/or continue. 


As we have watched over 20 new families join the college, we are again in awe of how our youngest students of 3 and 4 role model bravery, courage, strength and trust as they begin to settle into their new learning environments for the year. 


On behalf of the staff working in the Kindergarten, thankyou to our families for joining us this year, moving your schedules to support the orientation sessions, and seeking Bayside’s Early Learning Centre for your child’s kindergarten years. We are excited to commence the Term 1 on such joyful moments of seeing your children eager to attend each day and dive straight into Play. 


A reminder that Term 1 sees hats and sunscreen used daily so please leave these items at the ELC with your child’s name clearly labelled. 

3-Year-Old Kinder

Monday 12th February is the last half-day without parents. If your child’s surname is from N-Z they will be attending the morning session from 9:00- 11:15 am. If your child’s surname is from A-M they will be attending the afternoon session from 12:45- 3:00 pm.


Tuesday 13th February is the first full day, without parents where all children attend together. 

Tuesday 12th March is the ELC3 Family Picnic from 5pm-6.30pm held at the ELC. BYO dinner then stay and play together!

Over the last two weeks, it has been wonderful to welcome the youngest students of our College Community into ELC3. The children are becoming familiar with their educators, peers, and the daily routines, and are beginning to make some friendship connections. 


The group has been learning some of the songs that we sing in the ELC including our “Good Morning” and “Goodbye Everybody” songs. 


Cooking in the mud kitchen has been a highlight, along with water play and floating boats. The children have also been keen to engage in scientific inquiry as they drop water onto ice blocks, and watch as the ice melts. 


Thank you to all of the grown-ups who have come along to the first ELC sessions with their children, to support a smooth transition into the program.

4-Year-Old Kinder

Play is how children learn, and how they form a foundation for life in society. 


Play is how children explore, discover, fail and succeed, socialise, flourish, and thrive. 


Pasi Sahlberg and William Doyle


The past fortnight has brought forth a wonderful collaborative time of families and educators coming together in shorter than normal sessions to focus on easing the children into their new routines, focussing on the children’s wellbeing as they commence Kindergarten 3 days per week. 


Thank you families for your flexibility during these two weeks. The children have settled extremely well and are already engaging in activities learning to spell their names, identify shapes and explore God’s world. 

Thursday 22nd February is the ELC4 Family Picnic from 5pm-6.30pm held at the ELC. BYO dinner then stay and play together!

February Events

12/2ELC3 Last half-day without parents
13/2ELC3 First full-day without parents
22/2ELC4 Family Picnic 5pm-6:30pm