Principal's Report

Dear Families,
Orientation Day was an exciting one for children and staff. Everyone settled eagerly into their 2024 class. Thanks to our teachers for their careful preparation for this day and to the students who all transitioned so smoothy into their new classrooms. It was wonderful to have Ms Farrar and Ms Price join us for the day; they will be our new teachers in the Junior School. Thank you to those families who took the time to provide positive feedback to our staff.
On Friday we enjoyed our Fun Sports Day. The Junior School Council kindly provided a large toboggan water slide enjoyed by all.
We also had the privilege of listening to the leadership speeches on Tuesday. Students presented some extremely persuasive reasons why they would make excellent leaders in our school in 2024. Leadership positions will be announced at assembly on Tuesday.
Class parties and KKs will be held on tomorrow. Students wear their school uniform. They can wear a Christmas hat or head band if the wish to do so. Please bring a plate of food to share.
There is will assembly as normal tomorrow morning. In 2024, assembly will be held on Monday afternoons at 3pm. Families will be welcomed from 2:45pm for reading time.
Our last day of school for the year is Tuesday 19th of December day. Assembly will commence at 12.45pm and conclude at 2pm. It will be held in the Central Learning Space.
- Mooroopna Rotary Scholarship
- Toolamba Wrens CWA
- Toolamba Lions
- Terrific Kids
Teacher awards
- Academic Award
- Excellence Awards
- Citizenship
- Terrific Teammate
- Sports Award
- Art Award
- Music
- Farewell students & families
- School Captain Speeches
- Leadership Announcements
- School Council Speech
- P & F Speech
- Whole School Song
- Santa
The end of the year is always a time to say farewell to members of our school community. On Monday night we will have the opportunity to formally farewell our Grade 6 students. They have been a fantastic group whom we have grown very extremely fond of. We are certainly going to miss them and their unique character traits. We wish them all the best as they head off to their respective secondary schools. We are also sad to be farewelling, Tom Crawford, Liam Goldfinch Matilda Marsden, Jimmy Turnbull and Billy and Hunter Meek.
Sadly, we will be farewelling some long-standing and respected members of our school community. We have certainly valued their support and the positive home school partnership they have fostered. They include Kasey Cook, Marcus Cook, Sjanie Molenaar, Dave Goldfinch, Monica & Ben Kinnane, Sarah & Sam Meek, Astyn & Robert Pearce, Sharmaine Kiely & Philip Perry, Nicole & Jack Pogue, Emily & Brett Sawyer, Selina & Mike Sorraghan, Roslyn Todd, Jason Wild and lastly Anna & Chris Turnbull.
Next week will be very sad when we farewell three of our teachers Rose Hepworth, Gab Pirie and Bec Larcombe. All three have been extremely valued members of our staff. It feels like we are farewelling friends not just colleagues. Both Gab and Bec will be pursuing their teaching at other schools. It will certainly be our loss and their gain.
Congratulation to Indie Giles, Lexie Kelly, Andrew Shaw, Emile Trazzera, Lily Tuhan, Jimmy Turnbull and Emily Webber who have been selected to participate in this extension programs in English and Mathematics in Term 1 next year.
The Virtual School Victoria is delivering the Victorian High-Ability Program (VHAP) to high-ability students in Years 5-8, at all Victorian State Schools. This is part of the State Government’s $60.2 million investment in the new Student Excellence Program. Selection is based on NAPLAN and teacher judgement results.
VHAP consists of ten-week online courses in Mathematics and English for both Primary and Secondary levels. Students engage in synchronous Webex classes with their teachers. They can also engage with the course material on VSV Online outside of the class time.
Firstly, thank you to our Toolamba Staff. We are extremely fortunate to have such a dedicated and passionate group of people who have your child’s academic and social and emotional needs at the heart of everything they do. I'm confident that you would join me in commending and thanking them for the outstanding work they do in education and for the very many ways in which they go "above and beyond."
So too I wish to acknowledge and thank our parents for the amazing home-school partnerships. These positive partnerships certainly enhance your child’s wellbeing and learning opportunities.
As you have done in the past, I encourage you to keep an eye on our school over the holidays. Please notify the police if you see anything suspicious.
Finally, on behalf of the Staff of Toolamba PS, I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas. For those of you that are travelling I hope that you arrive and return safely.
Happy Christmas and take care over the holiday season!
Regards Heather