Chev Need to Knows 

2 February 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome to the end of the first school week of 2024.


Notwithstanding the need for staff, and particularly Year 12 students, to acknowledge the loss of two peers from their class, there has been much ‘buzz’ around the College grounds as we reengage with faith, care and learning at Chevalier College.


With 162 students commencing Year 7, another 29 students joining us in Years 8-11, and with an overall enrolment of 916 students, the College is set for another wonderful chapter of a story which has been told since 1946.


As we embark on a new school year, the promise of academic excellence, personal growth, and a vibrant community spirit unfolds. Students can anticipate personal faith formation opportunities, dynamic learning experiences and many extracurricular options, all guided by a dedicated staff who will also foster learner agency in your child.


Throughout the week, the grounds hummed with the renewal of friendships interrupted by holidays, and the potential for new friendships emerged. The great promise of the year is enabled by a supportive environment where individual talents are nurtured, and where each student is encouraged to explore their passions. With a commitment to MSC values, and with a future facing mindset, Chevalier College sets the stage for a transformative educational journey, promising a year of discovery, achievement, and lifelong memories.


Welcome to New Staff

Not only do we have new students starting a new year, we also have the following staff joining us from the start of the 2024 school year:

  • Mr Alexander Abbey – Assistant Principal Faith Formation and Mission
  • Mr Michael Boyan – Teacher of Construction and Technology
  • Ms Emily Davis – Teacher of English
  • Ms Jodi Hidasi – Learning Support
  • Mr Vincent Iacono – Teacher of Mathematics
  • Mr Jean-Marc Kleber – Teacher of Mathematics
  • Mr Scott Madsen – Teacher of Science
  • Mr Keith McLean-Anderson – Teacher of Music and Creative Arts
  • Ms Taygan Melluish – Hospitality Assistant
  • Ms Olivia Warwick – Teacher of Technology

We are fortunate that we have attracted the above-mentioned staff who ensure we commence the year fully staffed and ready to ‘value-add’ to the vast expertise of the College staff.


Messages of Support

We have received a large number of messages of support from people all over the world in response to the tragic loss of Year 12, 2024 students, Violet Chanter and Chkye Tracz. Those messages of support have been shared with students and staff, and have brought comfort to all of us, most notably the staff.


Father Bob Irwin msc, and Principal of Chevalier College from 1990-1996, in part wrote...

“Having received the news of the death of Violet and now of Chkye, I just wanted to wish every blessing needed, for you and the staff and students and extended family of Chevalier College.


To be a part of the Chevalier College family is a wonderful gift, and as with any family we have many joys and sometimes unexpected sorrows, but always surrounded by much love from each other and our ever-loving God.


Please know that of course I am with you in supportive spirit. You have my guarantee of thoughts and prayers for you all. My love for Chevalier and all its people is one of the great gifts of my life.


I am sorry that I cannot be there with you, but I am sure that the compassionate spirit of Chevalier College, based on the unconditional love of God, will help to provide the courage and strength needed at this time.


Stay confident and hope filled. That is who we are.”


We have also heard from

  • Fr Terry Herbert msc
  • Previous Chevalier Principals – Chris McDermott and Fred Stubenrauch
  • MSC Principals - Rachel Davies from Daramalan College, Jonathon Rowe from Monivae College, and Stephen Koch from Downlands College
  • MSC Director of Education – Mark McGinnity
  • Director of the Chevalier Institute - Anne McAtomney
  • Chevalier College Board Chair - Chris Merlino
  • Rita Daniels – former Principal, Daramalan College and current Chevalier Board Member

Various schools have also been kind and considerate with expressions of support through flowers and messages. These include the Southern Highlands Christian School, Moss Vale High School, St Paul’s International College, St Paul’s Primary School, Oxley College and Wollondilly Anglican College. Most especially, we would like to thank St Mary’s Star of the Sea, Wollongong and St Gregory’s College Campbelltown, both of whom provided their counsellors to be at the College for reflection services throughout the last week or so. Moss Vale High School also have kindly offered to provide staff cover for Chkye’s ‘Celebration of Life’ next Tuesday should we need it.


Our Professional Learning Lead, Mr Michael McDowell and MyDesign Education leads, Richard Burton and Kirstene Chiapara have also reached out, as has the National Catholic Education Commission.


Recent staff members Barbara Santos and Margaret Maronese, as well as a number of previously serving staff members, have been in touch, and one of them recalled, “Chkye gave me a very thoughtful (and best ever) ‘end of year thank you’ a teacher could receive - a thank you note accompanied by ingredients for making a ‘Christmas Slice’ - which was delicious. May his soul be forever flying sky high.” 


A current staff member reflected about Violet, “Violet has so often been described as kind, quirky and respectful, and in her own way, she made others ‘on the outer’ feel truly welcome and acknowledged.”


Finally, Fr Chris Chaplin msc – Assistant General at the Missionari del Sacro Cuore Casa Generalizia in Rome, sent the following:


Dear Mr. Greg Miller, Principal of Chevalier College,


I am a member of the MSC General Leadership Team based in Rome. We have recently been made aware of the tragic deaths of two of our students from Chevalier College.


On behalf of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart internationally, I extend our sincere condolences to the families of both Chkye Tracz and Violet Chanter, Chevalier students, and you and your staff. The loss of any child is heartbreaking. The death of two from the same year of studies, within such a short time of one another, during what should be the festive season, is an unbearable sorrow that no doubt leaves many of you traumatised. We wish to assure you of our solidarity in this painful time of grief. We wish to acknowledge your leadership through this difficult time, and to thank you for your courage and humanity. To have to write, “It is with a heavy heart that I welcome you to the 2024 school year”, summarises the angst of this moment. You have to welcome all, but the welcome is bittersweet. A hard way to begin a new school year. I am sure you are being well supported by MSC in Australia, particularly John Mulrooney, and we are grateful that he is there with you.


May you all come to a place of hope, finding light in the darkness. We are confident, as you remember both Violet and Chkye, their lives will provide many moments of light. May the Heart of Jesus be your comfort and solace.”


We are very lucky to have friends’ and colleagues' support beyond our immediate College community. Also, within this Need to Know there are resources provided by our Wellbeing Leaders and College Counsellors for the benefit of parents, carers and friends of the College.


Obviously, the past few weeks have tested the fabric of our community. The hurt and sadness that comes with losing not one, but two of our students, both of whom were soon to commence their last year of schooling, has been deep and will last for quite some time. The messages of support have been helpful and provided comfort. We will continue to respond and, in time, find our rhythm for an enjoyable term and year.


Self-regulated Flipped Learning Micro-credential Update 

As part of our commitment to be a future facing learning community in 2024 and beyond, there will be a strong focus on enhancing the self-regulated learning capabilities of students. Central to that is each student engaging with our College-developed Self-regulated Flipped Learning Micro-credential, accessible via Canvas, our online Learning Management System.


Since launching the Micro-credential in November last year, the number of students who have attained it as of Wednesday 31 January is as follows:

  • 27 students, mainly from Year 10 and Year 9, 2023, qualified by the original due date of 30 November 2023.
  • A further 16 students qualified between 1 December and the end of the 2023 school year.
  • Over the holidays into this week, 28 Year 12 students qualified; and a further 35 students in other year groups have qualified.
  • A total of 106 students have qualified.

In support of those 106 students, more than 65 parents have attended the three parent webinars hosted to date. There will be more parent webinars in the coming few weeks to allow for a far greater uptake of ‘qualified’ students to entertain the opportunity to learn from home on some Mondays.


Over the coming weeks, and specifically on Monday 12 February and Monday 26 February (our Swimming Carnival will be hosted on Monday 19 February), students will be given the opportunity as part of their flipped learning time to commence, continue and/or complete the credential.


We look forward to playing our role in supporting students to improve their self-regulation capabilities as they embrace a rapidly changing world.


Best wishes for the weekend and the week which follows.


Greg Miller


Grief Resources

In the wake of the tragic loss of Violet and Chkye, many of our students, families and staff are experiencing profound grief and shock. The process of grief is individual and rarely linear. We can expect the coming weeks and months to present a number of challenges for us all. We encourage everyone impacted by the loss of Chkye and Violet to allow themselves space to experience big emotions, practice self-compassion, and most importantly, connect with loved ones and their existing support systems. If Violet and Chkye have taught us anything, it is the importance of kindness, connection and love for one another.


Throughout the coming days, weeks and months, Chevalier College’s Wellbeing team (including counsellors) are here to support all members of our community. Please do not hesitate to reach out. Below are links to a number of resources that may be of help to those experiencing bereavement, and parents/caregivers who wish to know more about supporting their child.


Locally, the Southern Highlands Bereavement Care Service and our local Community Links Youth Mental Health organisation may be of assistance. GPs are also able to make referrals to medicare-rebated psychology sessions for those who would like the support of a psychologist, and/or who may be experiencing mental ill-health.


Online support is also available at ReachOut , BeyondBlue and KidsHelpline


Finally, the book “Resilient Grieving” by Dr Lucy Hone and her website are recommended for those wanting a deeper level of understanding and strategies to manage loss.


Wellbeing Team

Year 7 Studies Advice Evening

The College will be holding an information session for Year 7 parents and caregivers to discuss academic care and wellbeing for students as they begin their journey at Chevalier.


Thursday 8 February 2024


Sacre Coeur Performing Arts Centre

  1. Prayer (Sandy Abbey)
  2. Welcome (Rebecca Graham)
  3. Technology @ Chev (Peggy Handley)
  4. Academic Care and Stage 4 requirements (Rebecca Graham)
  5. Chevalier’s focus on wellbeing and support in Stage 4 (Kelly Clunn and Natalie LaGarde)
  6. Q and A (for up to 30 minutes)

Year 11 Studies Advice Evening

The College will be holding an information session for Year 11 students and their parents/caregivers to discuss academic care and wellbeing throughout Stage 6. 


Thursday 15 February 2024


Sacre Coeur Performing Arts Centre

  1. Prayer (Sandy Abbey)
  2. Welcome (Greg Miller)
  3. Academic care and managing HSC and NESA requirements (Rebecca Graham)
  4. Chevalier’s focus on wellbeing and support in Stage 6 (Kelly Clunn and Natalie LaGarde)
  5. Student and parent Q and A (for up to 30 minutes)

We look forward to your attendance at these important events.

Parent Portal and Mobile App - Log in now!

Last week, we launched our new parent portal and a mobile app for parents.


The web-based Parent Lounge and the mobile-based Parent Orbit App will enable you to access the latest announcements, advise of absences, receive important alerts, easily approve excursion attendance (no more paper permission notes!), access your child's extracurricular details, access the school calendar and more!    


The mobile app mirrors the information found in the Parent Lounge.  It enables you to access and complete time-sensitive tasks on the go. Utilising the notifications functionality, you will be prompted whenever there is an important piece of information for you to action.   Given the Lounge and the App hold the same information, you can choose to log in to one, or the other, or both, depending on your personal preferences. 


The Parent Lounge and Parent App will be the only location to provide permission for excursions so it is very important that all parents/carers log in as soon as possible.    


Next steps: 

If you are a current parent/carer who regularly accesses Canvas and/or iGloo, you should have no issues logging into Parent Lounge or the Orbit App using the same login details you currently use (see login links referenced below). Should you have issues please refer to the troubleshooting section in Setting up your Account. 


New families and families who don’t access Canvas and/or iGloo, please set up your account before logging in by following the instructions Here.


PARENT PORTAL (LOUNGE) - Hereyou will find the login link for the Parent Lounge along with some tips for using the lounge.


PARENT APP (ORBIT) - Here you will find a QR code to download the Orbit App along with some tips about using the app.


Please note: our IT team are working as quickly as they can through the parents/carers who have logged a request for help.  We appreciate your patience during the busy start to the year for them.

School Photo Day

School photographs are scheduled to be taken on Wednesday 7 February. The instructions for placing online orders are listed below.  Individual photo pack orders can be placed at any time.  If you wish to order sibling photos, your order must be placed by midnight on Tuesday 6 February.


How to order

1.    Visit

2.    Click “Sign in with Student Details” towards the bottom of the page

3.    Enter your child’s surname and date of birth. You will be prompted to create an account or sign in to a previously created account. Once logged in, you will be able to add additional children and place sibling photo orders.


Uniform/hair regulations

Uniform and hair regulations must be followed for your child’s photo to be taken on this photo day.  Please refer to the Student Information Booklet for guidelines.  The booklet is also located in the Parent Lounge and Parent Orbit App via School Links >> Student Information.


The Chev Shop will be open as follows:

·         Thursday 1 February: 8.30am-2.30pm (closed from 12.30-1.00pm)

·         Friday 2 February: 8.30am-2.30pm (closed from 12.30-1.00pm)

Welcome Evening For New Parents and Caregivers

On Thursday 29 February, Chevalier College will be holding a very special Welcome Evening for parents and carers who are new to the College, and all Year 7 parents and carers.


You are warmly invited to come along and meet other families and learn a little more about life at Chev. Enjoy drinks and canapés and hear from our Principal and student leaders.


An invitation has been sent home this week with our new and Year 7 students.


Please book your free tickets by Friday 23 February via the link provided by email sent on Thursday 1 February.


We look forward to welcoming you to the College and the Chevalier family.

ISA Sport

ISA Round 7 is on this Saturday. Team fixtures and bus information can be found here. All buses will be leaving from the bus zone on Charlotte Street. All students should be dropped off in the JFC car park.

Private Music Tuition opportunities

Is your child is interested in taking private music tuition at the school? We are privileged to have the expertise of a vastly talented Music Tutor Team for these lessons. Whether it be guitar, bass guitar, drums, orchestral percussion, strings, piano, brass, wind and/or voice (from beginner to advanced), we can accommodate. 


For more information, please contact Mr Combes, Leader of Learning - CAPA via email and he will help you to arrange this exciting opportunity to your child.

Parent Volunteers – Winter Sports Coaches and Officials

Following on from the Sports Forum held late last year, expressions of interest are now being taken from parents and Chevalier community members wishing to volunteer as a winter sports coach or perform duties as an official.  Please register your interest here

Sports BBQ – Saturday 10 February

Parent volunteers are required for the Chev Sports BBQ to be held on Saturday 10 February.  Game times can be found in the Parent Lounge/Sports Fixtures and Results or the Extra Curricular Hub in the Parent App.


Register to volunteer here.


Coach Phillips

Extra Curriculum Administrator

  • School photos - 7 February
  • Opening Liturgy and HSC High Achievers Ceremony - 8 February
  • Year 7 Information Evening - 8 February
  • ISA Round 8 - 10 February
  • Year 11 VET Induction Day - 12 February
  • Year 12 Visual Arts Excursion - 12 February
  • Year 12 UOW Discovery Day - 12 February
  • Year 7 Retreat Group 1 - 12 February
  • Ash Wednesday Liturgy - 14 February
  • Year 10 Vaccinations - 15 February
  • Year 11 Information Evening - 15 February
  • Show Team Kangaroo Valley Show - 16 February
  • ISA Round 9 - 17 February
  • Swimming Carnival - 19 February
  • ISA Round 10 - 24 February