Primary School

A week has never flown by so quickly and it is reassuring to see our students so settled and in routine already. A big thank you to our teachers and families for allowing for a smooth start. This week our Year One class took the spotlight receiving their badges from the Year Twelves, along with our House Leaders taking their oath of commitment and being given their badges by Mr Irving at the Leaders’ Induction Assembly. 


Congratulations and best wishes to our 2024 House Leaders from Year Six:

  • Baudin: Zara Hancock and Kobi Rochester 
  • Mokare: Robbie Fergie and Molly Stan-Bishop
  • Wilson: Daniel Cruse and Poppy Lester
  • Camfield: Joele Tralli and Ruth Toomey

Miss Carys Nichols will be mentoring our leaders this year, and they have already begun running our morning briefings and handing out awards for classes going above and beyond to show our school values in different ways. Next week, they will run our first Primary School assembly. All of our Year Six students participate in a service-learning programme and I look forward to seeing where that takes them this year.


Exciting things have been happening with our Languages programme as Mrs Kristy Jaeckel has relocated to the Primary School building and created an amazing space for Nihongo (Japanese) which now runs from Pre-Primary to Year Six. Please take the time to look into this space on Friday evening. 

Scholastic Book Club

If your child did not take home a Scholastic Book Club catalogue, you can view it online, and order online here.


Our focus this year, led by Mr Mathew Irving, has been to build upon our culture, environment and excellence. This week already, our teachers have been outside utilising the wonderful environment we are blessed with at GSG. Year Five has taken their Geography studies outside; Djinda, Kindergarten, Year Two and Year Six have been visiting the Wild Space as part of their programmes; and Years Three and Four are regularly spotted utilising the learning spaces inside and outside the buildings. At GSG, we are firm believers in the environment as the third educator and I look forward to sharing the exciting places this concept takes us this year. 


Horizons has begun on a Wednesday. For duty of care reasons, all participants need to have filled out the form that was emailed out. If your child is going to be absent from Horizons, please let Primary Administration, Ms Christina Hitchcock, know so we have all students accounted for when taking attendance.


We have a very large number of ECC students enrolled this year, which is wonderful, but attendance takes a very long time if they are not on our list or missing when we take the roll. Please remember to pack a little extra food for afternoon tea. 

School Values

Each fortnight, led by our House Leaders, we bring a school value to the spotlight and at our morning briefings individual students and classes are recognised for representing this value. Well done to Year FourK for taking out the class award this week. Year Four Keatch has been the most committed to getting back to their designated eating area at the end of lunch. 

Upcoming Events - Week Two

Primary School Parent Information Evening - Friday 9 February 5.00pm in Primary School foyer for all new GSG  families, followed by classrooms for year-level meetings.


There are some general Primary School themes, information and introductions I would like to share with families new to GSG before class teachers work through more specific information tailored to their classes. 


For families unable to attend, session notes will be uploaded to the Primary School page of MyGSG in each cohort’s folder. 


Class meetings have been organised in two sessions to try and ensure most families can attend. In the event of a clash, class teachers will be available outside of their session times to meet with you more informally, to hand out any documents and answer questions you may have. 


New Families GSG overview (Years Three to Six): 5.00pm 

Session One (Kindergarten, Pre-Primary, Year One and Year Five): 5.20pm to 5.40pm

Session Two (Year Two, Year Three, Year Four and Year Six): 5.40 to 6.00pm


The P&F Sundowner will commence at 6.00pm outside the Pratten Centre. 


I look forward to meeting many of you at our information sessions tomorrow or afterwards at the P&F Sundowner. 


Ms Leah Field | Head of Primary