Secondary School

Week Two is one of my favourite weeks of the term; routines are being established, learning and growing are well underway and there is a sense of anticipation in the air as opportunities available in the coming term are being looked forward to.  The sunshine helps, too!


Our Year Twelve leaders have stepped up and are starting to have an impact; the moment that they realise that they have permission to put their plans into action and share their creative ideas is a wonderful moment to witness.  Celebrating their induction this week has been a highlight.


At this week’s Leaders’ Induction Assembly, I was struck by the number of our Year Twelve students who had themselves received Year One badges.  Having been connected with GSG since 2012, I remember many of those Year Twelve students in their Primary years, and seeing them grow and now give back is a privilege.

Welcoming back to GSG our 2023 Dux was, not surprisingly, a poignant moment for me this week. You may like to read his speech on the Deputy Principal's page.


I look forward to seeing you on Friday evening; please remember that at 5.00pm we have Parent/Guardian Information sessions for families with students in Year Seven (meet in the Hall), Year Ten (meet in the Pratten Centre) and a session for families new to GSG this year (meet in the Pratten Centre).  Our Heads of House will then welcome all families in House groups at 5.45pm to build connections and share their House spirit.  Our P&F Sundowner begins at 6.00pm.



Mrs Victoria Turnor | Head of Secondary

Year Seven Orientation

The first week of Year Seven is always a big step in the journey of all students. This year our Year Seven cohort spent the first week getting to know each other by making new connections and strengthening existing friendships, meeting their teachers, and finding their way around the Secondary School campus.


During their Orientation Week, they participated in a range of challenges, games, workshops, information sessions on 'How to do Year Seven', learnt about their 'Amazing Brains', received their laptops, and went on an excursion to the Oyster Harbour Fish Traps.


This week they commenced with their academic timetable, and it has been really rewarding to observe how well their Orientation Week has set them up to successfully read their timetables, wear the correct uniform and navigate their way around the school.  


With such a successful first two weeks of Year Seven almost completed, I am really looking forward to a fantastic year with our Year Seven 2024 cohort.


Mrs Penni Berryman | Head of Transition