From the Chaplain

A new year of Christian studies often begins with the story of creation, starting with the first line of the bible, ‘In the beginning God created…’ 


I often go for a walk on the boardwalk and hear the crashing of the waves, see the lightning in the distance and hear rustling in the bushes as the creatures run to escape from my dog.  I like to go there because I see all of God’s creation and how everything has its place and fits together.  I look and see far away where man has probably not been, but God knows that place and every living creature that calls it home.  To me, it is obvious that this world that is so intricately made and fitted together has to have come here from a creator. 


Often people say, how do you know there is a God?  Well, I look around me and see that there is no other good explanation.  Romans 1:20 says, ‘Ever since God created the world, his invisible qualities, both his eternal power and his divine nature, have been clearly seen; they are perceived in the things that God has made. So those people have no excuse at all!’ 


God proves himself to us in creation.  Even how we are made is amazing.  Our bodies repair damaged parts of us, we have a built-in thermostat that keeps our bodies at 37 degrees and our blood carries food and oxygen to every part of our body.  When God created things on each day He said, ‘it was very good’ but when He made people He said, ‘behold, these are very good.’  We are His ultimate creation, made in His image.  Not that we look like Him, but we can reason and know right from wrong like God, we can create like God and we can love like God.  God loves the way He has made us and rejoices over us.


‘The Lord your God is in your midst- a warrior bringing victory.  He will create calm with His love; He will rejoice over you with singing.’  Zephaniah 3:17


Mrs Naomi Cooper | Chaplain