From the Principal

As the energy of school life began to settle into a familiar rhythm, Great Southern Grammar formally inducted Year Twelve and Year Six leaders into their positions of leadership.


It was also an opportunity to confer on the whole Year Twelve student cohort their responsibility of leadership throughout the school as they seek to nurture a culture of inclusion, engagement, excellence and belonging. 


We recognised the start of the leadership journey of our Year One students with Year Twelve leaders affixing a badge to signify this special moment.


The gift of leadership is key to the school’s journey of continual renewal, aspiration, and hope.  As such, leadership at Great Southern Grammar is about inspiring and guiding others, navigating difficulties, and providing clarity on what is important. 


Leadership is about serving others with wisdom, grace, and humility.


The students will often hear me say, "leadership is not just a title or a badge for the select few. Rather, leadership is the responsibility of every single person of our community". 


The outward expression of leadership looks different for everyone.


Some of us like to lead from the front, some prefer to lead from the side, and some prefer to lead from the back. 

  • Those who like to lead from the front have the confidence to speak into the lives of others, to galvanise, activate and see a way forward. They have a type of charisma that people are drawn to.
  • Those who like lead from the side can create a shared purpose, draw on the strengths of others and nurture an aspiration that moves everyone forward. They understand the power of walking side by side.
  • Those who like to lead from the back have a quiet reassurance, they support the needs of others and provide encouragement for individuals to press forward on their own. They often ask, ‘are you ok?’ and ‘what do you need?’.

We all have different ways to lead, reflecting our personal style. However, in serving others, we must discern what type of leadership is required to have the necessary impact.


How will you/we choose to lead in 2024?


Mr Mathew Irving | Principal