Parent Involvement
When schools and the parents and carers engage in a child’s schooling, it encourages and supports them to enjoy their education. Positive relationships and attitudes towards education give children confidence that the system is supporting them to achieve their best.
Parents and carers are also invited to participate in many of the activities across a school year.
Our school has a range of volunteer programs where you can get involved with school activities. This could be helping with:
- The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen and Garden program (see notes below)
- the school canteen (see notes below)
- school excursions and events
- school council (see notes below)
- carnival committees
- class representatives (see notes below)
- second hand uniform shop
You may need to apply for a working with children check (opens in a new window).
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program
Our school has been running the SAKG for many years now and its success relies heavily on the participation (volunteering) of parents.
Our year 3 and 4 students participate in garden and cooking classes
School Canteen
Our canteen operates from Tuesday to Friday and as the week progresses there are more lunch orders made. Sue (our canteen manager) would be grateful for assistance, especially on a Friday.
If you have any time to spare during the day, please check the volunteer sign up sheet. One hour of volunteering in the canteen is appreciated.
School Council
School councils are groups that make decisions that set the direction of the school. They:
- help create and check the school's budget
- contribute to the school strategic plan
- make decisions on policies like investments, payments by parents, dress code.
Councils usually have between 6 and 15 members and include:
- the principal, who is the executive officer
- parents who are chosen through an election
- a school or department staff member
Some councils also have community members who are chosen by the council. These members have special knowledge or experience in the local community. Council members have a two year term on council.
February is the final meeting of the previous Council and the March meeting is always the first for the newly elected School Council. The school newsletter provides more information about School Council and calls for nominations.
Class Parent Representatives in detail
Class Representatives are valuable to the whole school community. They build relationships with community members and organisations for the benefit of students.
Class Reps may:
- create links between parents and teachers
- organise welcome events for new students and parents
- help with events like the second-hand uniform stalls, or Father’s and Mother’s Day celebrations
- promote and support fundraising
- promote cultural and social diversity.
In term four of each year, the school sends out an expression of interest for Class Parent Reps for the following year. At the commencement of each school year, following the provision of parent consent to pass on contact phone numbers, the Class Reps set up WhatsApp chat groups for the purpose of sharing information and organising social activities.