From the Principal



Dropping off children and picking them up from school can be a very busy time on the roads so it’s timely to remind everyone about traffic safety. 

The Glen Eira Council have put together a fabulous 2 and half minute video that explains parking signs, how the school crossing operates and aims to promote safety surrounding your schools.  Please show this video and talk about it with your children. Here’s the link


Signage Around the School


Please don’t park your car in the kiss and go areas for longer than two minutes. I have sent a request to the Glen Eira Council to review the ‘kiss and go’ areas and signage around our school so it is more visible so if you have any feedback about the parking areas around the school please email the school.   Please do not block driveways.


Footpaths- riding and scooting to school

Footpaths are pedestrian walkways (pedestrian means ‘related to feet’). That means those children who are riding bikes or scooting to school have a responsibility to ride and scoot safely and giving those on foot priority. Here are some simple rules to remind your children:

  • Use your bell to warn walkers in front that you are coming, or give a polite call. 
  • Slow down and do not assume walkers will move aside just because you rang your bell.
  • Be watchful of cars entering or exiting driveways. 
  • Stop at road intersections and look for cars before crossing the road



We all understand there will be occasions when students are absent from school. Parents and carers are asked to report their child’s absence on Compass and provide a reason. Please do NOT choose ‘parent choice authorised’ unless you have emailed the teacher or school to let them know the reason for the absence. Attendances will be monitored, and you will receive a phone call from the office if your child is absent for 2-3 days and we don’t know why. Our friendly phone call is to check that everything is all right or to chat about how we can support a return to school. 


Late Arrivals


When students arrive at school on time they have the opportunity to catch up with friends, play in the yard and transition to the day smoothly. Reminder: Line up bell is at 8:52am and classes start at 8:55am. 


But…when children are regularly late for school they:

  • Miss out on socialising with their friends
  • Miss out on the introduction to the day, so they don't always know what is going to happen throughout the day, or if there are any changes
  • Can be unsetled and anxious about walking into their classroom
  • Miss out on learning opportunities


Some strategies to get to school on time

  • Use an alarm clock or phone to set the alarm. Sometimes if I am really tired, I use both
  • Have children pack their bags and have their uniforms ready the night before
  • Early bedtime (this is age dependent of course)


Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.

Please take time to review the privacy policy found on our website. (

For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents


This information is also available in nine community languages (please ask):

* Amharic * Arabic * Dari * Gujarati * Mandarin * Somali * Sudanese * Turkish * Urdu * Vietnamese.




Privacy also relates to those who photograph, film and record students. Our school policy reflects the Education Department’s policy and outlines how the school uses images of students. There are many occasions during the school year where staff photograph, film or record students participating in school activities or events, for example classroom activities, sports events, concerts, excursions, camps etc. We do this for many reasons for example: to celebrate student participation and achievement, showcase particular learning programs, document a student’s learning journey/camps/excursions/sports events, production etc. 

When it comes to using images for external use (eg. billboards, Instagram, school website etc), we will seek your permission, even if you have granted permission on Compass. 

Parents are asked to NEVER publish photos of our students or staff on the internet unless you have direct permission to do so. 

A Compass link has been sent this week outlining our ‘photographing, filming and recording policy’ and requesting your consent to the use of external images. 


OPEN AFTERNOON-: Friday 16 February (2:45 – 3:30pm)


The ‘open afternoon’ is an opportunity for students to take the lead and speak about and show parents their new classroom, discuss the learning environment they are creating and introduce their teacher. Not only is this a terrific opportunity to see where your child participates in specialist lessons (including the new STEM class), but it will also be a terrific time to see the newly painted classrooms with new carpet and the improved outdoor areas. 


NEW PREP PARENT WELCOME EVENING-: Friday 16 February (6:30- 8:30pm)


Our school has a wonderful tradition where the previous prep Class Reps, host a welcome evening for the new prep parents. This is an adult only event providing new prep parents the opportunity to meet each other informally prior to our annual school picnic. 

Parents and carers are an integral part of our school, so the welcome evening offers an opportunity to make new connections and friendships. 


SCHOOL PICNIC- Save the date: Thursday 22 February (5:30-7:30pm)

The annual school picnic will be held on the oval on Thursday 22 February (5:30 – 7:30pm)

Families bring along picnic rugs or chairs and a picnic dinner for the family. 

The picnic is a wonderful opportunity to catch up with old friends and expand your friendship group as you mingle with other members of the school community. Miss Nugent and our Performing Arts students will kick off the evening with a performance for your enjoyment. 

Let’s hope we are blessed with the wonderful weather we enjoyed last year. 


SCHOOL PHOTOS- Friday 23 February


We have booked Advanced Life Photography to take our annual school photos. Classes take turns to head to the photography area for both class and individual photos. Our school leadership captains will have photos taken on this day. Details will be sent home with information regarding purchase of these photos. The official school uniform includes the ‘Gold’ polo shirt. 




A second hand uniform shop will be held at school on Monday 19th February from 3:00 pm to 3:45pm. If your child has outgrown uniform items (including their gold polo) this is the place to pick up a bargain. In addition, if your child has outgrown their old uniforms, we gladly accept donations. You can drop these off at the front office. 


Chellee Plumb