Religious Education

Last Thursday we celebrated our opening year school Mass in the Church. It was a beautiful Mass where the Year 6 student leaders were presented with their leadership badges and staff were presented to the school community. Congratulations must go to all the students, especially the Preps who participated so respectfully during the Mass. A special thanks must go to Kerry Slater for all her hard work in organising the Mass and to Fr Justin for celebrating such a special occasion.
Ash Wednesday Liturgy
Yesterday we celebrated Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday begins the holy season, marking the start of the 40 days leading up to Easter (not including Sundays). This 40-day period is known as Lent, and it usually includes a focus on fasting and prayer. The ashes used in the Liturgy yesterday originated from the burning of palms from the previous year. As we are marked with Ash, we begin our journey through Lent and prepare for the wonder of Easter. The ashes remind us that even though we don’t always live God’s way, if we ask God to forgive us, we will receive forgiveness and love. Thank you to Fr Andrew and Mrs Slater for preparing and celebrating the Paraliturgy.
Dates for 2024
First Eucharist: Sunday 2nd June at 9am
First Reconciliation: Wednesday 6th November at midday