Principals Update

Mick Schinck

Key Events

Term 1, Week 3 

  • Friday 16th of February - Swimming Training (Interschool swimming squad) - 7.30am-8am. Year 6 Halogen Leadership Day

Term 1, Week 4 

  • Monday 19th of February - Pizza with the Principal (Students & Parents in Year Prep-2), 5.30pm -7.00pm
  • Tuesday 20th of February - School Assembly @ 3pm. Parents and Friends AGM @7pm
  •  Wednesday 21st of February - Prep Testing
  • Thursday 22nd of February - Swimming Training (Interschool swimming squad) - 7.30am-8am. 
  • Friday 23rd of February - Swimming Training (Interschool swimming squad) - 7.30am-8am. Interschool Sports St John Vianney's v St Mark’s - AWAY GAME

Term 1, Week 5

  •  Wednesday 28th of February - Prep Testing
  • Thursday 29th of February - District Swimming Carnival
  • Friday 1st of March - Interschool Sports St John Vianney's v St Brigid's - AWAY GAME. SEDA Cricket Inflatables & School clean Up Australia Day @2.30

Dear SJV Families,

Thank you for ensuring the smooth start for the students to the school year. The staff have been amazed at how confident our new Prep students have been saying good-bye to their parents from the line up areas and walking with a staff member or on their own to their classroom. This is a real credit to the way families have prepared their children.


Please make sure that you read the following:

Parking / Driving concerns Brisbane Terrace

I am asking for everyone's assistance please. I have received a number of complaints at the re-commencement of term regarding some drivers not complying with parking restrictions and perhaps more concerning the “no entry” signs on Brisbane Terrace. These concerns have also been reported to the Police by members of the community.


This is a massive safety issue and we need to ensure that ALL parents/grandparents are following these rules especially during drop off and pick up times. In light of these concerns, there will now be a police presence during the peak times of 8.30am-9.30am and 3pm - 4pm for enforcement of the road rules. 


I also understand and accept that it may not always be parents from the SJV school community but need the assistance of everyone to spread the message and ensure safety on the roads around our school. I would like to thank the Victorian Police force for partnering with us and being a presence in our community.

Parent Information Evening

Tonight between 6.30pm-7.30pm, the classroom teachers will be hosting parent information sessions in their classrooms. Parents will be able to meet the teacher/s if they haven't already done so and hear about what learning is taking place in the classroom. There will also be time when parents can ask questions.


We have allocated different session times for each level of when the information is presented so that parents who have more than one child in other year levels can attend. 


The session times are as follows:

  • 6.30 - 7pm - Prep information session & Year 3 / 4 information session.
  • 7pm - 7.30pm - Year 1 / 2 information session & Year 5 / 6 information session. 

While the Prep and Year 3/4 session is taking place at 6.30pm, parents from Year 1/ 2 and Year 5 / 6 are invited to come in and look around in their child’s classroom and speak to the teacher individually. 


When the  Year 1/ 2  and Year 5/6 session is taking place at 7.00pm, parents from Prep and Year 3 / 4 are invited to stay after their session has been completed and look around in their child’s classroom and speak to the teacher individually  


The evening will conclude at 7.30pm. The parent information sessions are for parents only, therefore students are not required to attend. We look forward to seeing as many of you at the Parent information sessions as possible.

Whole School Commissioning Mass

Last Thursday we celebrated our opening year school Mass in the Church. It was a beautiful Mass where the Year 6 student leaders were presented with their leadership badges and staff were presented to the school community. Congratulations must go to all the students, especially the Preps who participated so respectfully during the Mass. A special thanks must go to Kerry Slater for all her hard work in organising the Mass and to Fr Justin for celebrating such a special occasion.


Emails/Communication are always welcome, however, we find a brief exchange at drop-off or pick-up can often address any matters promptly. The priority for staff members at SJV is the welfare and education of all students at our school. Staff  are unable to respond to emails and telephone calls instantaneously. They will, however, ensure that they attend to all correspondence within a reasonable timeframe (between 8.30am - 5pm on a weekday or within a 24 hour turnaround). Parents are also reminded that a response to communication should not be expected outside normal working hours, or during school holidays, unless it is an emergency. 


If you have a concern regarding your child and wish to discuss it further, please follow the process outlined below:

  1. Contact the classroom teacher/s first and foremost.
  2. If it is a Well-being issue contact the classroom teacher and the Wellbeing Leader, Chloe Lawlor.
  3. Contact the Deputy Principal or Principal if the concern is more serious.

Thank you for your support and understanding with these expectations

2025 Prep Enrolments 

Our Requests for School Tours have begun already! Enrolments for Prep 2025 are now open and we encourage all families to submit their applications as soon as possible.  If you have a child or you know someone wanting to tour schools for their child, please encourage them to book a school tour by contacting Nicole in our front office or scanning the QR code and booking online.  If you are not able to make these tours please note that you are also welcome to call to make a time that does work for you. 

SJV School Tour Dates

  • Wednesday 6th March @ 9.15am
  • Thursday 7th March @ 9.15am
  • Tuesday 12th March @ 7pm
  • Friday 15th March @ 1pm
  • Monday 25th March @ 9.15am

Applications are due Monday 6th of May


  • Dogs - Please note that for the safety and wellbeing of all members of our community, no dogs are permitted inside the school grounds and they must not be left unattended tied up at the gates. Adult supervision and holding of the leash is so important around vulnerable places such as schools.  We love dogs but we do have to take care of all members of our community.
  • Bikes and Scooters - Please walk bikes and scooters when moving through the school grounds.
  • School Closure Term 1 - The school will be closed on Friday the 8th of March as there will be a professional development day for all staff focusing on Numeracy. This is the Friday of the Labour day long weekend. Theircare (OSHC) will be operating on that day.
  • Punctuality - It is expected that all students are to be at school by no later than 8.45am and not any time up to 9am. From 8.45am to 9am is crucial for students to get themselves organised, start the day with prayer, take the roll and ready to commence their day promptly. Formal lessons begin at 9am. Any child who arrives at or after 9am is to be signed in at the office by a parent/guardian. I ask all parents to make sure that you adhere to these times.
  • The next Newsletter will be shared on Thursday 29th of February.

Parents & Friends Association AGM

This will take place this coming Tuesday the 20th of February at 7pm with wine and cheese in the multi purpose room.  We are looking for people to join our Parents and Friends Association Committee for 2024, especially any new Prep parents. The commitment is to attend two meetings per term and a willingness to help out at one, some or all of the functions that we have during the year. It is not an onerous task and the benefits flow to every family and student in our school. There are no prior skills required. We are also seeking a new President of the PFA for 2024. If you are interested, please contact the office for a role description.


All Year 3 and 5 students will complete the NAPLAN tests  between the 13th of March and the 25th of March. If any families in Year 3 or Year 5 have holidays booked during this time, could they please let the school office know, so we can factor this into our planning.  We use NAPLAN to provide us with feedback about how we can improve our teaching, whilst parents are provided with a snapshot of how their child is progressing. For us, it is one assessment that makes up a thorough Assessment Schedule and should not present any stress for students, as they are well versed at completing online assessments.


What can I do to support my child?

Students are not expected to study for NAPLAN. You can support your child by reassuring them that NAPLAN is a part of their school program and reminding them to simply do their best. Some explanation of NAPLAN is useful to help students understand and be comfortable with the format of the tests; however, it is not necessary for parents/carers to do this. Teachers will ensure students are familiar with the types of questions in the tests and will provide appropriate support and guidance. ACARA does not recommend excessive preparation for NAPLAN or the use of services by coaching providers. 

See the types of questions and tools available in the online NAPLAN assessments at the public demonstration site.


Public demonstration site

The public demonstration tests show the types of questions students will answer and the functionalities that are available in NAPLAN tests. 


Students can do the standard tests or they can do a test with accessible alternative items:

  • The visual alternative tests include some items with simplified images (numeracy and reading).
  • The tests with audio alternative items have text-based items instead of audio dictation items (conventions of language).
  • The colour theme tests have different coloured fonts and backgrounds (all domains).

To try the demonstration tests, click on this link and use the buttons below to choose a year level and then a NAPLAN domain: writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) or numeracy. Please note that answers are not provided. As all Year 3 students complete the writing test on paper, there is no Year 3 writing demonstration test.


For all online tests, once ‘finish’ is selected or time has run out, the student’s responses will be submitted and will no longer be able to be viewed. 


What’s new in the demonstration tests?

There is now a narrative task and a persuasive task for students to practise. Only one of these tasks will be tested each year, and this will be revealed on the day of the assessment. Students will now start the conventions of language test with the spelling items and finish with the grammar and punctuation items.  There are now different narrator voices for the audio items. Some students may benefit from listening to the voice change from one item to another. They can do so by listening to the numeracy items or the audio dictation items in the conventions of language tests. 

Asthma and Anaphylaxis plans

 If your child requires Asthma medication, an Epipen or medication for allergies including Hay Fever, this must be supplied to the school. All medications are kept in the First Aid Room. Management plans for Asthma and anaphylactic reactions need to be signed by a doctor and supplied to the school.


Don't forget to focus on Keep Shining. The World Needs Your Light!!




Mick Schinck
