Debating News

December 2023

Mullauna Junior Grand Final Debates and The Swannie Award in our region

There is still great news coming in from the Mullauna Debate Teams.


Mullauna Junior Grand Final Debates

Each year the junior classes have in-class debates. The best of these teams then play class against class, during Head Start, to find an overall winning team. The debates this year were of an extremely high calibre. Students demonstrated self-motivation in addition to excellent research, collaborative and organisational skills. 


Year 8 (2023): Topic: That the Melbourne Cup should be banned. 

The 2023 winning team:

The runner-up team:

Ethan Blakeman 

Mike Waycott

Georgia Rose Giannaris

Alex Giannaris

Bella McKinnon

Oliver Moyes

Year 7 (2023):Topic: That horse racing should be banned.

The 2023 winning team:

The runner-up team:

Kasper Leoncelli

Michael Bamford

Benjamin MacDonald

William Michel

Erin Satherley

April Stacey

The Swannie Award


In the second marvellous piece of news, two of our Senior Debate Team, Alex Sayle and Andrew Fankhauser, are the joint #1 winners of the Swannie Award in our region. 


The Swannie Award is named after Alan Swanwick, a long-time member of the DAV and a pioneer of debating in Victoria. “Swannies” are awarded to the speaker in each region and grade who has the highest average speaker score after completing in at least two debates during the year.


Thank you Wayne Howell for helping adjudicate the end of year in-house debates.



Seasonal salutations to all!

Tamsin Davidson

Debating coach and coordinator

Head of the English Faculty