Message from the Principal Team

Week 2

First Day of School for Foundation Students

Our Foundation students started school today, and they settled in beautifully. Over half of the cohort are siblings of students already at CNPS and are all very familiar with the school.


2024 CNPS Community Survey - Strengthening the Home-School Partnership in 2024

As we move into a new school year, we are excited to connect with our school community and align the goals and future direction of the school with the needs of our CNPS Families.


We are asking CNPS families to please take the time to answer some survey questions. This survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.


We look forward to working closely with our school community in 2024!

Please find the link to the survey here


Staff Professional Learning

Action Research Teams

We are presently in year two of our School’s four year Strategic Plan. In 2024, we are focusing on maximising learning growth in Literacy and Numeracy for all students and continuing to enhance wellbeing. 

On Tuesday our teaching staff formed teams to work throughout the year on the key priority areas of the school. Breaking down our Strategic Goals further, we have created four Action Research Teams. Below is a description of the work each of the teams will be focusing on throughout the year. 


Assessment and Reporting

  • Finalising Wellbeing comment section ready for Semester 1 Student Reports 
  • Individual Education Plans for students requiring support and extension
  • Research the concept of ongoing reporting throughout the year
  • Revising the Assessment Schedule
  • Refining Assessment Tracking Spreadsheets
  • Research the new Maths Curriculum including assessment and reporting opportunities

English - Assessment and Reporting Rubrics

  • Developing Writing genre rubrics for teacher assessment and Writing genre rubrics for students and families to use during conferences and for self assessment (plain language).
  • Exploring how we report student progress to parents and carers as an ongoing process.
  • Researching English assessments and updating the Assessment Schedule


  • Updating the Teaching and Learning Model for Mathematics
  • Researching assessments and updating the Assessment Schedule to ensure there is triangulation of data
  • Team members participating in Coaching with Numeracy Consultant Michael Minas
  • Reviewing the Maths planning needs of each teaching team, share ideas and updating planner
  • Planning for upcoming staff Professional learning including curriculum days, learning walks and staff professional learning
  • Researching the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authorities Mathematics Curriculum Version 2.0

Schoolwide Positive Behaviour and Respectful Relationships

  • Working towards Silver Level School Wide Positive Behaviour
  • Implementing the updated Respectful Relationships Curriculum
  • Updating the Junior and Senior Behaviour Matrix 
  • Unpacking the Student Attitudes to School Survey data with a focus on reducing any bullying across the school
  • Selecting and planning for special days or days of acknowledgement for 2024.
  • Planning Professional Learning for staff 


Teacher Excellence Program

We are excited to share that three of our teachers, Carlye Sinclair, Billy Candy and James Barnard have been accepted into the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership’s Teaching Excellence Program (TEP).


The TEP is a year-long professional learning program for highly-skilled teachers supporting and challenging them to become even better teachers. Through the program, teachers analyse their teaching practice to deepen content and pedagogical content knowledge in and across the key discipline areas. They access contemporary, evidence-informed research and apply this learning to their students’ learning needs. Teachers utilise a practitioner inquiry approach to deepen their knowledge, capability and confidence to teach even more effectively in their context.


Maths Coaching with Consultant Michael Minas

Today Sam Guerra, Sophie Lawrenson, Jesse Tatterson and Millie Holden worked with Numeracy Consultant, Michael Minas to further refine their understanding of the CNPS Teaching and Learning Model for Mathematics. It was a fantastic day as Michael modelled lessons in 1/2S, 3/4L and 5/6J. He then conducted feedback sessions so that the teachers could reflect on his practice and the students’ responses to the lessons.


Harvard Principals’ Centre in Australia

During the school holidays, I (Rachel) attended the Harvard Principals’ Centre in Sydney. The 5 day course for Principals was an excellent program designed and delivered by Harvard University, USA. Facilitators for The Principals' Centre in Australia include Katherine Merseth, Kay Merseth, Elizabeth City, Karen Mapp and Matthew Miller. The Academy of Teaching and Leadership sponsored my attendance through a scholarship.


The course was exceptional, extremely relevant and covered the following:

  • the leadership skills needed to set high expectations for instructional quality
  • how to cultivate a school culture that prioritises learning for all
  • new leadership approaches for creating change and identifying optimal conditions for student learning
  • leadership strategies informed by relevant school data
  • how to align resources and initiatives around evidence
  • how to foster student achievement and better outcomes by increasing engagement among family members, community stakeholders, and school leadersPrincipal Team

Rachel Corben, Erin Brown and Jane Bilby