
Level Newsletter

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Upcoming Important Dates

  • Tuesday 13th February                                                                                                                     - PFA Meeting, 7.00pm
  •  Wednesday 21st February                                                                                              - 'Teeth on Wheels' School Dentist visit, Day 1 (students with booked appointments)
  •  Friday 23rd February                                                                                                                       - SPS Dads Group Games Afternoon, 4.00-5.30pm in 5/6 Learning Space (all welcome - please register online)
  • Monday 26th February                                                                                                       - 'Teeth on Wheels' School Dentist visit, Day 2 (students with booked appointments) 
  • Tuesday 27th February                                                                                                                      - AFL Auskick Afterschool Program, Session 1/5, 3.45-4.45pm on SPS oval (all students welcome - please register online)


From The Team

I have been so proud of the way that all the Foundation students have settled into school after only a short time. New friendships are being formed and routines are starting to be established.


About Mrs Maguire

I have 2 adult sons called Nicholas and Jake, and a cute little dog named Ollie. I love to take Ollie for walks but he can be very cheeky, so I have many funny stories to share with the class about him.


About Tracey

I have 3 sons, a daughter, 2 beautiful grandsons and twin granddaughters. I am so excited to be working in Foundation M again this year!


What We Are Learning


  • Please make sure your child has a drink bottle, hat and fruit/veggies for brain food.
  • The students will need an art smock and library bag.


Try This...

When shopping, engage your children in some of the following experiences:

- Guess the total number of items in your supermarket trolley.

- Estimate how many bags you will need to carry your groceries.

- Talk about the different shapes of grocery items.


What We Are Learning In Specialist Classes              In Term 1

Visual Arts

Foundation students will explore the primary colours (red, yellow and blue) and will create art inspired by Piet Mondrian and Joan Miro. Later in the term they will use primary-coloured plasticine to create secondary colours (orange, purple and green) and practise modelling skills to make a garden of flowers.


Students must bring an art smock to school to protect their school uniform. Smocks can be bought, or made from an old, oversized top. The smocks must be clearly named and will be kept in a classroom tub for the children to wear when using messy art materials. 



Welcome back to the new term at SPS! It's exciting that students will have the opportunity to learn another language every week throughout the year.


In Term 1, spanning from Year 1 to 6, during the first three weeks, we will introduce essential facts about China such as geography, population, inventions, national animals, flowers, and the structure of the language. This approach is designed to ensure that students have a clearer overview of China and recognise the importance of learning Chinese. Additionally, as Chinese New Year approaches, the following two weeks will be dedicated to exploring this cultural celebration with engaging and enjoyable activities planned for the students. It's worth noting that the content and activities will be tailored to different grade levels, providing each level with its own unique area to explore. This approach acknowledges the diverse learning needs and capabilities of students across various grades. For the following weeks, the planning is as following: 


For Preps, since it's their first term of the year, the focus will be on easier and enjoyable learning content. This includes learning how to say 'hello', saying 'China' in Chinese, exploring how to draw a Chinese flag, and using Chinese to describe various animals, with a special emphasis on the national treasure animal, the panda, among other enjoyable activities.



During Term 1, students in Foundation will be exploring animal biology and how it fits into our wider ecosystem. We will be investigating the differences between living and non-living things, as well as the external features animals have to aid in their survival. Students will be looking at different animal habitats, as well as being introduced to plant structures. 


Performing Arts

To be advised when Mr Boyd returns from Long Service Leave.


Physical Education

To be advised when Mr Boyd returns from Long Service Leave.


Water Fun


Maths Number Activity


Writing With Chalk


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