Mental Health And Wellbeing

GEM - Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness
Some benefits of practising gratitude are:
- After 21 days, you start to scan the world for positives.
- After 42 days you become:
- More optimistic, energised & focused.
- Less likely to get sick.
- You will sleep better.
- Anxiety and depression decreases.
A few quick and simple ways to practise being grateful are:
- Journaling; each night write down 3 things that went well for you that day or purchase a gratitude journal with gratitude prompts.
- Write a gratitude letter to someone special, telling them why you are grateful they are in your life.
- Have a family discussion on the way home from school or around the dinner table about the things that went well that day or made you smile.
Fiona Sewell
Assistant Principal