Host a Japanese student for one night

Sharing our australian way of life...
Final-year students from Kansai University, Japan are arriving at CJC on Monday, August 5th. They are being hosted by the Year 3 and Year 4 staff and students at our school. Their work in the classrooms is designed to foster their understanding of English and as part of their work, they will teach some science lessons to the home classes.
As part of the experience, we want to offer a one-night homestay opportunity for these students with our families.
We are asking families to collect their host student on Sunday morning, August 11th from their hotel in the city and host them overnight, to return them to CJC on the Monday morning.
- Families can opt to host a male or female student.
- Students are aged in their late teens and early twenties.
- There are 12 students in total.
- All students have a basic grasp of the English language.
- Homestay families need to provide a private bedroom for the night.
Families in the past have gone to the beach, sporting events, the Zoo, Healesville Sanctuary, markets etc.
If you can help support this program and engage in a unique family experience, please email the school so we can allocate these students and share with them a special CJC experience.
Please respond by close of business Tuesday 30th July. We will confirm with families by Thursday 1st August and give further details.
Any questions, please contact Mr. Chant or Mrs. Percil in the office.
Many thanks for your support.
Mr. Chris Chant