Learning Specialist report | - Prep-2 Literacy model discussed
- Use of consultants to support teacher professional learning
- Year 3-6 literacy workshop model was highlighted and the use of mentor texts to support inquiry units
- Mathematics curriculum documentation has been completed and aligns the current DET mandates.
- A broad summary of NAPLAN data was shared and discussed with Council. A summary is to be shared with the CJC community.
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Principal’s Report | - Naplan results to go home to families.
- Welcome to Kam Pank who has joined the year 2 teaching team.
- Welcome to Megan Fiddler who joins the education support team.
- Smooth start to term 3
- Enrolment processes underway for Prep students 2025 and Year 7 students 2025.
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Finance Report | Reports discussed at Finance committee were tabled and approved. Budget process for 2025 will commence mid term 3. 8th November is our planned date to release fees and payment structures for the coming school year. | |
Wellbeing and safety | - Road safety suggestions from PC to be discussed
- Information in newsletter about emergency practices (lockdown, evacuation drills)
- Asbestos response swift
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OSHC | Opened more space (classrooms) and increased numbers, but still waiting list. | |
Parent Committee | - Africa Day successful
- Fete de la Musique was a hit
- Suggestion: incursion for students on the day as lead-in to Africa Day or similar event
Upcoming events: - Bastille Day celebration Fri 26 July
- Fathers Day breakfast and stall Fri 30th August
End of year party Fri 6th December | |
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General Business | - Parent-teacher meeting opportunities at start of year and end of Term 2. Query about more frequent feedback and assessment results. DET requirement twice yearly reporting which is current practice.
- School photos need to be booked for next year. Format liked by some but not others. Printed photos were on poor quality paper with colouring problems. Unable to preview photos before payment. A working party to be established with SC and parent convenors to facilitate a decision.
- 28 October added as a short online meeting regarding budget approvals and release.
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