Parents Association

Second-Hand Book & Uniform Shop
The second hand uniform and book shop will be open on Friday mornings during the school term 8:30am to 9:30am for parents, guardians and students. When selling books or uniform through our little shop you get 70% of the sale money credited to your school account or deposited to your bank account and the rest goes back to the school to help pay for various school projects, activities and items. It’s the only fundraising we do.
You or your student can drop items to us on a Friday morning or at the office on any school day. Please fill out a sale sheet and include it with your items. The form to fill in if you have items you would like us to sell on your behalf is available on the school website or in forms on the P A Facebook page.
The shop is located to the left of the library at the back of the school, the closest street is Digby Ave.
Payments can be made via cash or card. Card is preferred.
Parents Association also have a Facebook page. Named - Belmont High School Parents Association
The next Parents Association meeting will be on Monday 5th of August at 7:15pm in the school staffroom.
Principal Joshua Baker will be in attendance and will present a Prinicpals report.
If you have any topics you would like to raise or questions to ask please feel free to email them through ahead of time to: