Around the Classrooms


‘Never see a need without doing something about it’ was the motto by which Saint Mary of the Mackillop Cross lived her life.  It was a life response to needs in the community, educating the poor, caring for the sick and providing shelter for women and children.  St. Mary of the Cross MacKillop often said: ‘We must teach more by example, than by word’


In Religious Education, the Prep students have been listening and learning about the Creation Story.  They are currently drawing and writing their very own creation story.  We cannot wait to see the finished product.  

The 1 / 2  students have been learning about forgiveness and compassion towards others and the impact it has. They are exploring and discussing the Scripture Stories of the Prodigal Son and Zaccheus.  The students are learning about the Assumption of Mary into Heaven and its importance within the church and to us.  

The 3 / 4 students have been reading stories from the Old and New Testament. They have explored similarities and differences and the purpose of these stories. The students have also been learning about the life of Mary, and of St. Mary of the Cross Mackillop. 

The 5/6 students are exploring the seven sacraments, and the symbols and rituals associated with each one. They have created mini posters to showcase their understanding and knowledge. Next term, some of our Year Six students will be receiving the sacrament of Confirmation. 


On Thursday, 8th August we will commemorate Australia’s first and only saint – St. Mary of the Cross Mackillop with a whole school Mass commencing at 10.00 a.m. 

On the following, Thursday, 15th August, we will attend Mass in celebration of The Feast of The Assumption of the Virgin Mary into Heaven. This Mass will begin at 12:00 p.m.

We are grateful for the support and involvement of each family in our school community. Thank you for your ongoing encouragement as we strive to foster an enriching environment for our children. Together, we can continue to inspire and nurture the students to flourish within our wonderful school community. 


Mr. Rosario Corio

Year 5 /6 Teacher 

R.E. Liturgy Leader