What's Happening In Primary

News and Information from Primary

Welcome to Term 3

A warm welcome back to all DCS Primary families. It has been wonderful to see all students and families back after the holiday break. The term has commenced with much excitement with our Year 5/6 students able to start from day one in their new classrooms. We are also excited to see the Primary Art Room set up in a new space, next to the Year 5/6 classrooms. Please come and check out these new spaces. A huge thank you to Mead Con, S. Group and the DCS Team for the huge amount of work that has been required to have these rooms ready for students. 


Character First - Punctuality

During Monday Assembly this week we introduced the new character trait, Punctuality. Character First defines Punctuality as 'showing respect for other people and their time.' Throughout the first five weeks of term, we will be focusing on the below 'I Will' statements that help us apply punctuality in everyday situations:


The five 'I Will' statements are:

  • I will be at the right place at the right time.
  • I will plan for unexpected delays.
  • I will do my work ahead of time.
  • I will make a daily schedule and keep it.
  • I will think of the impact on others.

In addition to the presentations and lessons that we have at school around punctuality, you may also want to discuss this character trait at home. Here are some discussion starters that you could use with your children:

  • Why is punctuality important?
  • How does being a punctual person change your day-to-day schedule/choices?
  • Why is it important to prepare for unexpected delays?

Staff News

As a community we would like to welcome Mr Robb Dennis to the Primary Team. Year 1/2 Dance students and families have the blessing of Mr Dennis for the remainder of 2024, while Mrs Dance (and Mr Dance) prepare to welcome little baby Dance into the world. For those of you who do not know Mr Dennis, he has worked as a relief teacher at DCS in the past and has most recently been working at Leighland Christian School. We are excited for what Mr Dennis will bring to the DCS community and the blessing that he will be. As a community can we please pray for the Dance family, Mr Dennis and the Year 1/2 Dance classroom community. 

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher interviews are being held tonight, Wednesday 31st July from 3.30pm-8.30pm, for both Primary and Secondary.  Bookings for Parent Teacher Interviews through Parent lounge have now closed, but can be made by calling the school office on 6423 1373.


Green and Gold Day - Friday 2nd August

Along with many other schools and businesses around the nation, we are turning Australia green and gold on Friday 2nd August in support of the Australian Olympic Team. Students are invited to wear green and gold to school on Friday.  This can be in the form of an entire green and gold outfit, or just a green and/or gold t-shirt or pants or some green and/or gold accessories worn with their school uniform.  Please note, this is not a casual clothes day, students are expected to be in school uniform unless wearing green and gold colours.


This day is about painting the country in our national colours and being proud of Australia’s sporting achievements, it’s about all Australians coming together and celebrating the green and gold.

DCS Art Comp

Book Fair

Two of the biggest events on the Library calendar are coming up this term:  CBCA Book Week and our annual Book Fair!  CBCA Book Week is from Monday 19th August until Friday 23rd August.  This year the official Book Week theme is ‘Reading is Magic’. 


The Book Fair is a great fundraiser for our library and each year we end up with a huge pile of books for the library that happens because of the generosity and support of our school community. 


Primary students will soon be bringing home an invitation for the Book Fair, which has just a small sample of books that will be on offer.  Wish lists will be completed by students during their library time and brought home. Parents are invited to look at the lists, decide which items, if any,  you would like to purchase (please note there is no obligation to buy), and return completed wish lists to school (with payment) by Friday 30th August. 


Books will be on display next to the school office throughout Book Week, so please feel free to come in and see the books on offer.  The school office is open from 8.00am-3.45pm each school day.


There are 3 ways to pay; online, EFTPOS or cash. If you would like to purchase any items, please return all wish lists to the office by Friday 30th August—all wish lists need to be returned so that we can give each child the correct order. If paying for books online, please ensure you enter the Book Fair site and not the Book Club site.  Books will be ordered once all the wish lists are returned and will be handed out to students so they all receive them at the same time—this usually takes about 3 weeks.


Mrs G, Library Technician.

Book Week Parade

This year the official Book Week theme is ‘Reading is Magic’. The DCS Primary community will be celebrating Book Week commencing Monday 21st August. This is a very exciting week which culminates in our Book Week Parade on Friday 23rd August from 8.30am in the JILOA Centre, where students have the opportunity to dress up as their favourite book character.


Characters should be from a book and not a movie and students are asked to bring along a copy of the book their character is from.


Imagination and fun are what the day is all about so please make the costume for your child that works best for you and your family. Some students like to make their own costumes, some parents like to make them with or without their child’s help, and some like to buy costumes. Any of the above are great—it’s all to promote the love of reading!


Students in Kinder C will have an opportunity to dress up on Thursday 22nd August with our Little Sprouts friends. 

Celebrating Students

Each week at our Friday assembly we love to celebrate our students. We would love to hear from you if your child has achieved something significant over the weekend during sporting events, dancing, baptisms, theatre, music achievements etc. 


Please email one of the following DCS Team Members with the details (we would love a photo too!):

Corina Barnard: reception@dcs.tas.edu.au

Ema-Lee De Haan: dehaane@dcs.tas.edu.au

Tom Evans: evanst@dcs.tas.edu.au  

Upcoming Events:

Wed 31st July3.30pmParent Teacher Interviews
Fri 2nd Aug Green and Gold Day
 8.30amPrimary Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer - The Upper Room
Sat 3rd Aug6.30pm DCS Community Trivia Night (doors open at 6.00pm)
Mon 5th Aug8.30amPrimary Assembly
Tue 6th Aug9.00amICAS - Writing
Wed 7th Aug8.30amWorship Wednesday (Primary)
 9.00amICAS - Digitech
Fri 9th Aug8.30amPrimary Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer - The Upper Room

Term Dates

Term 3:

Thursday 25th July - Thursday 26th September


Term 4:

Tuesday 15th October - Tuesday 10th December