Year Three Team News

with Katja, Carmel, Rochelle & Mary

Hello Year Three families,   

Over the past two weeks, our students have been celebrating NAIDOC Week by learning about some inspirational Indigenous women and Indigenous athletes. We also got to enjoy the activities on Bastille Day during Week One and introduced our new Inquiry unit ‘What Does Living Sustainability Look Like in our Local Community?’


Bastille Day

On Thursday 18th July, our students enjoyed participating in a variety of fun-filled activities on Bastille Day at Willy Primary. We were thrilled to see the Year Threes go to much effort when creating their wonderful costumes with a French flair! Students enjoyed the incursion, parade, and French festival in the afternoon. Merci Beaucoup, Madam Cri Cri!


Naidoc Week

To celebrate NAIDOC Week, our Year Threes have been learning about some inspiring Indigenous women who were changemakers, such as Gladys Elphick, Nova Peris, and Fanny Cochrane Smith – to name a few. The students have been creating profiles about these women, recording interesting facts and writing about how these women inspire them. The students have also been drawing images of some Indigenous women and Indigenous athletes using drawing tools on Book Creator. We will be displaying some of these profiles and images in the corridors and around the classrooms, and in the newsletter over the coming weeks. Feel free to pop by and have a look at our displays.


Williamstown Library Visits

On the 5th and 12th of August, Year Three students will be walking down to the Williamstown Library at 104 Ferguson Street, Williamstown for a tour of the local library. Students will listen to a story and participate in an activity. Students and families are invited and encouraged to become a member of the library if they are not already. There will be no cost involved, as the local excursion permission note completed at the beginning of the year provides permission for this excursion. Each grade will require a parent helper to attend and assist. Information relating to this excursion is also on Compass. 

If you have any questions or would like to be a parent helper for your child’s visit to the Williamstown Library, please contact your child’s classroom teacher. Refer to the schedule below for each grade’s scheduled visit:


3W      5th August (9.00am – 11.00am)

3B       5th August (11.30am – 1.30pm)

3M       12th August (9.00am – 11.00am)


Fortnightly Curriculum Focus

Reading: NAIDOC Week – learn about Indigenous Women who were changemakers and champions and discover some Indigenous athletes and sports people. 

Writing: Write a recount about the holidays, using the Show, Don’t Tell technique to add detail to engage readers and improve writing. Write a profile about an inspiring Indigenous women and famous Indigenous athlete.

Numeracy: Multiplication – Practise 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Introduce vertical multiplication with and without regrouping.

Inquiry: ‘How Do We Build a Sustainable Community’ – Introduction of Inquiry unit and mind mapping to ascertain prior knowledge.


Willy Kids: Managing Strong Emotions. Students learn a variety of strategies to assist with managing strong emotions. 

Respectful Relationships – Gender and Identify. Students name and share some of the different interests that make up their identify and individuality. Students learn about some of the differences and similarities between students in the class and appreciate that it is important to respect differences between people and genders.


Warm regards, 

The Year 3 team – Katja Morris (3M), Carmel Byrne (3D), Rochelle White and Mary Colangelo (3W).