Year Two Team News
with Steph, Joel and Georgia
Year Two Team News
with Steph, Joel and Georgia
Welcome back to what is going to be another busy and exciting term ahead. Our students have settled back in after a well earned break and it is fantastic to see the excitement they have shown to be back at school with their teachers and friends. We have hit the ground running and have jumped straight back into our regular program.
We have started the term by acknowledging NAIDOC Week. In each class, we have explored a range of mentor texts written by First Nations authors, conducted some learning about the meaning of NAIDOC week and why it is important to different people, as well as unpacked the meaning of this year’s theme “Keep the fire burning! Blak, loud and proud.” We were very proud of the reflective and mindful approach students took towards these lessons.
We have a lot to look forward to this term and there will be many exciting whole school events. However, one event in particular that is ours alone is the Grade 2 Sleepover on Thursday 5th of September. There will be lots of discussion about this event in our classrooms throughout the term to prepare our students for the event so that they know what to look forward to and expect on the night. Regular information to inform parents about the event will be coming home with your child at various stages throughout the term.
Important news:
Please note, if you do wish to help out at school in any capacity (Sleepover, Reading Help, Kitchen Garden etc.), the steps are outlined below.
Below are the required steps and links. All steps must be completed for the induction to meet our requirements.
(Please note the OHS platform link is also located on the volunteer induction form)
Step One: Register as a WPS volunteer utilising the volunteer induction form available from your Compass newsfeed (please complete all the way to the 'Submit' button).
Step Two: Complete the volunteer OHS online induction.
Step Three: Ensure the school office has a copy of your current working with children’s card.
Step Four: Each year level and specialist programs will communicate to families about upcoming volunteer opportunities.
Curriculum Focus: Weeks 3 and 4
Literacy: In Reading, we will be looking at the difference between plot and theme. In Writing, we will be working on compound sentences and beginning to look at persuasive writing.
Numeracy: We will be learning about 3D objects. We will also begin our unit on transformations.
Inquiry: We will be continuing to learn about toys from the past and discuss how toys have changed over time. We also analyse why these changes have been made and discuss whether these changes are positive or negative, or a mixture of both.
Willy Kids: Through the pillar of Resilience, we are learning about bravery and the many different ways that we can display bravery in our everyday lives.
Respectful Relationships: This term we are focusing on Gender and Identity. We will be exploring a range of activities that will support students to reflect on their identities: likes, dislikes and strengths. Moreover, develop an awareness of positive and negative gender norms, challenge negative gender norms and develop an appreciation of difference. If you’d like some further information, please contact your child’s classroom teacher.
Photos from the last two weeks:
Until next time,
The Grade Two Team - Steph Keswick (2K), Joel Kitchen (2J) & Georgia Grainger (2G)