Year 5/6 Team News

with Laura, Christina, Emil, Molly, Bianca I, Kayleen, Steven & Melati

Hello Year 5/6 families, 


This term we are closely reading mentor texts that show us the craft of writing, the varied use of sentence structure and the way that author’s use imagery and symbolism build a strong sense of understanding in the reader. This will assist us in our unit on poetry that will start in the next couple of weeks. Thus far, we have looked at the text, “My Two Blankets”. Be sure to ask your child about the symbolism behind “the blanket”.



In Maths we have just wrapped up our unit on the Four Operations. We will revisit these skills continually over the course of the semester. We have just begun our unit on mapping and direction. Students will learn how to use grid coordinates as well as compass directions to navigate using a map. Keep up the multiplication facts rehearsal at home.



This term we will be learning about geography. Students were introduced to the unit through a year-level wide Kahoot (online quiz) which really showcased their existing knowledge and competitive nature. To start the unit, we will be looking at countries of interest: location, population, geographical features and landmarks. As we gauge the knowledge and interest of the students, we will determine the ultimate  direction of the unit.


Respectful Relationships

This term we are learning about gender and identity. The sub-topics that we will be exploring are:

  • Born or made? Thinking about gender
  • From words to actions
  • Gender norms in early adolescence
  • Facts about gender and opportunity
  • Growing awareness about human rights

Your child may come home with questions regarding this content. We encourage open and honest conversation.



  • Please ensure that your child has returned their preference form for the end-of-year celebrations
  • Please ensure that Grade 6s return their high school transition forms
  • Please continue to monitor Compass for alerts and updates,
  • If you think you might like to volunteer on excursions and events this year, please ensure that you have arranged a valid Working With Children Check and complete the school’s online induction module
  • Please ensure your child brings a charged iPad to school each day


Warm regards,

The Grade 5/6 Team - Laura Bartholomeusz (5/6B), Christina Crosland (5/6C), Emil de Vries (5/6D), Bianca Italiano & Molly Hedditch (5/6I), Kayleen Dumic & Steven Puhar (5/6K) & Melati Cordell (5/6M)