Year Four Team News

with Rebecca, Brittlee, Toni & Matt

Hello Year Four families,

Welcome back to another term!


Fortnightly Curriculum Focus

Literacy: In Reading, Year 4 students have started book club groups. In these groups students have picked a book of interest to read. In these groups, students will all be assigned a task to further their comprehension skills. These tasks include summarising, connecting and questioning. On a regular basis students share their work with their group members in order to gain a thorough understanding of their text. This term, students have also revised over their independent goals and discussed ways to achieve them. In reading, students will also explore synthesising and how this impacts their comprehension of numerous mentor texts. In Writing, students will work through the writing process to expand on their knowledge of narrative texts. Students will plan a text and incorporate a variety of ways to engage their audience to enhance their writing. 


Numeracy:  In Numeracy, students are finishing off their Transformation and Shape unit, understanding how shapes turn, flip and slide and what attributes these shapes have. Moving into Week 2, students will revisit Multiplication and Division concepts by exploring open ended tasks to further their understandings. Students will continue with Number Sense Workshops weekly through multiplicative games. Students are continuing to use online programs such as Essential Assessment, reinforcing skills whilst targeting specific individual goals. 


Inquiry: Students will start their new unit “Australia and our Neighbours’. Having the Olympic Games broadcasted this year, students will be introduced to this unit by understanding the history and meaning behind the Olympics. This will then continue through a lens focusing on Australia, the features of our states and territories.


Willy Kids & Respectful Relationships: 

Our fortnightly focus has been: Willy Kids Manage their Emotions Students have reflected on strategies they can add to their ‘tool box’ when feeling different emotions to help support them when confronted in a challenging situation.


In Week 2, students will be studying Respectful Relationships, looking at their identity as well as the identity of others in the class and how this impacts their learning. Students have created an identity wheel to reflect on their interests and strengths as an individual.


NAIDOC Week Activity:

This week, in celebration of NAIDOC week, the grade 4 students learnt about the incredible changemaker Gladys Elphick. 



Earlier this week, students presented their Changemaker projects at our Expo. Students rose to the occasion and did a wonderful job when presenting to their peers, teachers and families and should be tremendously proud of 

themselves. Enjoy the pictures below.



 -  Students are reminded to bring fully charged devices to school each day. 


Warm regards,

The Grade Four Team - Matt Eason-Jones (4E), Rebecca Givogue & Toni Lind (4G), Brittlee Salvo (4S)