Student Learning

The Foundation students have been doing so well learning their first M100 words. Practising these at home is so important as it helps with their reading and writing at school.
Learning about what half means in maths.
In writing Foundation students have been learning about the sequence of writing a letter. Here Logan is sharing, with the class, a letter his friend wrote back to him.
Students had fun learning all about teamwork and how to work together to move a hula hoop around the circle while holding hands.
Year 1/2
Reading: We have started reading our mentor text, "The Twits" by Roald Dahl. We discussion the importance of understanding the characters and using textual evidence to describe them.
Writing: The students have learnt the correct format for writing a letter or a postcard. They examined the terms, greeting, heading, body and closing in detail. Using their mentor text, "The Twits," as inspiration, they wrote letters to one of the main characters, Mr Twit. The students also wrote a letter or postcard to a friend or a family member detailing what they did in the school holidays.
Maths: The students are focusing on fractions. They have learnt the difference between the denominator and the numerator and named various fractions.
PE: In preparation for the up coming athletics day, the students have been practising the correct techniques for shot put and vortex.
Year 3/4
Students I'm 3/4 have had an outstanding start to term! We have been working on our reading stamina, and they were all very impressive!
Year 5/6
Students in Year 5/6 have been enjoying their skillzone sessions! Students have been busy practising many different sports.
Lion's Club Art Competition
Our Year 5/6 students have been working on their Lion's Club Art Competition entries. We can't wait to see their finished creations!