Willy Kids

Respect    -    Learning    -   Resilience  -  Responsibility 

Term 3 - Willy Kids are Resilient

Weeks 1 & 2: Willy Kids Manage their Emotions


Willy Kids can manage strong emotions, which means we can recognise how we are feeling and find ways to calm ourselves down. Everyone has strong emotions, ranging from being excited, extremely angry or terribly sad. Having strong emotions makes us human, but there are times where it is really important to manage these emotions, for ourselves and the people around us. If we can’t manage strong emotions, it can impact our own learning and can get in the way of achieving the things we want, because strong emotions can sometimes stop us from thinking clearly. Sometimes our strong emotions can affect other people, especially if we can’t control these feelings. Strong emotions might cause us to say things we don’t mean, hurt someone’s feelings, or hurt someone physically. 


Willy Kids can manage our strong emotions by:

  • Recognising how we are feeling and why.
  • Asking for help from our families, friends and teachers. 
  • Talking about how we are feeling.
  • Walking away from the situation.
  • Taking deep breaths.
  • Doing something we really enjoy like our favourite sport or being creative.


Remember, everyone has strong emotions, but Willy Kids know how to manage these feelings so they don’t affect our learning or our relationships.