Year 4 Mini Olympics By Ezra and Alicia


On the 31st of July, the Year 4 Mini Olympics took place in WHPS. The events included the walk-a-thon, hurdles, backstroke, table tennis, baton relay, gymnastics, boxing, basketball, hockey, javelin, bocce and soccer.  


All the Year 4 students and teachers would like to thank Mrs. Gillespie for organising the events and the Year 5 and 6 helpers setting up and supervising. The Year 4s all worked together as a group to play sports and to have fun with children from different classes.


Here are some thoughts from the Mini Olympians


 “I loved the Walk-a-thon because it was fun to walk instead of running.” - Xinbei, 4MP.


“ I liked gymnastics because the Simon Says game was hard.” Rithvika, 4MG.


“My favourite sport was baton relay because I like to play in a team and I love to run.” -Eric L 4OK


”I thoroughly enjoyed the hurdles because even though I didn’t win, I still had fun.”- Chloe, 4SM.


“I loved the walk-a-thon because I came first and it was harder than I thought.” Jake, 4MG


“ I liked table tennis because I love playing it and I’m really good at it.” _ Ishaan, 4SM 


“My favourite event was the hurdles because I tried my best and it was fun.” - Hannah, 4MP 


The sport I enjoyed was soccer because I kicked the ball and then the goal went flying!” Ayaan, 4OK.


Overall, the Year 4 students had a great experience in the Mini Olympics.Thanks again Mrs. Gillespie for working hard to organise the Mini Olympics.


Here are some photographs of the Olympians.