Student Awards 

Student of the Week - Friday 2nd August 2024

PrepBCEvelyn S.For watching and listening so carefully during our woodwork incursion. You also used beautiful manners. Great work Evelyn!
PrepKWKimi L.For listening so attentively and following instructions to create your aeroplane during our woodwork incursion. You did a magnificent job. Well done, Kimi.
Prep LLLexi L.For always using finger spelling to segment the sounds in words and using the editing strategies to make your writing even better! PLL is very lucky to learn with you!
PrepNAOrlando H.For your fantastic listening skills and trying your best during our woodwork incursion! You did an excellent job and your plane looked awesome! Well done Orlando.
1 HQRay Y.For a fantastic short talk about your favourite book. You showed great confidence, talked a lot of details about the book and engaged your audience well. Super job Ray!
1 LPAchintya H.For your amazing short talk about your favourite book, 'Sharks'. You displayed great enthusiasm when talking about them and even engaged the audience multiple times by asking questions. Keep up the amazing work Achintya!
1 SQEllie L.Congratulations, Ellie, for showing determination in sounding out unfamiliar words during reading time. Your effort is brilliant in always giving your personal best during learning time. Keep working hard and smiling.
1 VBAlexander L.For a fantastic short talk about your favourite book. You had a loud, clear voice and used some eye contact. Super job Alexander!
2 CLPaige C.For demonstrating initiative and patience when creating Chocolate Truffle Balls as part of our procedural text writing. You followed each step with care and precision. Well done Paige!
2 EBAarahn S.For expertly following a procedural text to create Chocolate Truffles. You did an amazing job at following each step and making sure the final product looked like it should. Well done, Aarahn!
2 SMAiden L.For carefully selecting a variety of interesting words to make your writing entertaining. It's always a pleasure to read your written work. You're a superstar Aiden!
2 SPTristan L.You did a really great job of following the steps when we made our Chocolate Truffles. Your procedural writing about the process was also very detailed. Great Effort Tristan
3 DPOrnella P.For the excellent information report you wrote about Wheelers Hill Primary School. You included lots of detail and used punctuation. Well done Ornella!
3 EBYuven D.For being a responsible learner. You have shown a fantastic attitude towards your learning. Keep it up you super star! 
3 JNNivaan S.For being a respectful, kind and hard working classmate. It is fantastic to see you helping others and finishing your work on time! Keep up the awesome work, Nivaan!
4 MGDevam S.For being a quiet, conscientious student who often does helpful things in the classroom without being asked. Thank you Devam, you're the best!
4 MPOlivia L.For being enthusiastic and giving everything a go during our Year 4 Mini Olympics Day. Thank you for helping pack up the equipment too! Impressive effort, Olivia!
4OKOcean L.For working so hard to complete your times tables. Well done on a great achievement, Ocean!
4 SMArthur A.For being such a conscientious student who works hard to complete tasks to the best of his ability. Keep up the great work Arthur!
5 ARAndy F.Congratulations on settling in so well at W.H.P.S. You have made a great effort to make friends and get to know your new school. Keep it up, Andy!
5ARCohen Z.For being a kind and inclusive member of 5AR. Your support of our new EAL student has demonstrated your caring nature. Keep it up, Cohen!
5 BTAarush S.For always contributing to class discussions and sharing your thoughts with your peers. You are such a positive member of 5BT Aarush!
5BTOrlando Z.For always bringing such a bright, happy and cheeky spirit to the classroom. You see the fun in every situation Orlando and we love having you in 5BT!
5 DCNischay S.For working hard during Maths 'Time' lessons to improve your understanding. Keep it up Nischay, you're doing so well! 
5DCVictoria L.For always putting maximum effort into everything you do and for producing work of a high standard. Keep it up Vicky, we're so proud of you!
5 TLJoseph M.For writing an excellent explanation paragraph explaining how the human body supplies its brain with blood and oxygen. Great work mate.
6 JSHareeshan N.For a great effort to extend his understanding of maths concepts by challenging himself whenever he can. Keep up the positive attitude Hareeshan!
6 LVPatrick L.For creating a wonderful explanation text about the process of honey and publishing it effectively using Canva. Great work Patrick!
6 SCNatasha L.For crafting a fabulous explanation text about the honey-making process. It is wonderful to see all your complex sentences and connectives, Natasha!
6 TJNini Z.For producing high quality work in class. I can see you are working hard to reach your goals. Keep it up Nini!

Student of the Week - Friday 9th August 2024

PrepBCVishwadya V.For your great attempts to add detail to your writing! Great work Vishwa!
PrepKWRijushan T.For putting so much effort into your learning and trying your very best, even when things are tricky. Keep up the great effort, Rijushan.
Prep LLLuv P.For putting great effort in writing recounts and writing full sentences. Keep it up Luv! PLL is so happy to learn and grow with you! 
PrepNAMarcus L.For your amazing division skills. You were able to solve all of the factors of 12, and write out your problems. Fantastic work Marcus!
PNA Eddy C.For his excellent skills when practising with our Makedo tools. You were so kind and patient helping your friends. We are lucky to have you in Prep NA, Eddy!
1 HQLouis P.For making great progress on your short talk. You spoke with proper pace and volume, and talked about the book with engaging details. Well done Louis!
1 SQUn L.Congratulations, Un, for coming to our class with a positive attitude and being ready to engage in your learning. You have demonstrated a lot of growth over the year. I am extremely impressed with the level of effort that you put into your work.
1 VBAbigail C.For your amazing short talk last week. You spoke with a lot of confidence, which was impressive! You also used a loud, clear voice. Super job Abigail!
2 CLCarina X.For challenging yourself and going beyond the expectations of set tasks. You comprehended this week's MSL rule with ease and even thought of your own words that applied to the rule. Keep up the great work Carina!
2 EBChloe L.For cooperating extremely well when given group challenges. You showed positivity and kept on trying. Keep up the amazing work, Chloe!
2 SMScofield C.For putting in a remarkable effort to draw the bird's eye view of our classroom. You're a superstar Scofield! 
2 SPBhaavana G.For always putting in maximum effort to complete learning tasks in a timely manner and setting an excellent example to your classmates. Keep up the outstanding effort Bhaavana! 
3 DPDemitha S.For working well with your team to create a carefully designed flag and poster on South Korea. You included clear subheadings, information and images to match your writing. Well done on your cooperation and collaboration Demitha!
3 EBEdmund T.For showing amazing collaboration and resilience when creating your informative poster and flag for Kenya. It looks amazing Edmund!
3 JNSharon W.For working hard in your country team to create a magnificent flag and informative poster about South Korea! Amazing job cooperating with people you wouldn't normally work with! Well done Sharon!
3 LDAnanya P.For being eager to contribute to every class discussion. You always provide us with fantastic thoughts and ideas. You’re a superstar Ananya!
3LDDavid Z.For writing a fantastic Procedural Text titled ‘How to Make a Pizza’. You wrote detailed steps and used an adverb in each one. Awesome work, David!
4 MGMason W.For the excellent short talk you delivered on your favourite book, 'Silver Arrow'. Your speech was clear and concise. You did a fantastic job engaging with your audience. Outstanding work Mason!
4 MPAlicia Y.For delivering a creative, well constructed and confident speech about your favourite book 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'. Amazing speech Alicia!
4MPMark K.For delivering a confident, captivating and detailed speech about your favourite book 'Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief'. Congratulations on your oral skills, Mark!
4OKAmelie S.For presenting such a captivating speech about your favourite book, 'Famous Five: Five on a Treasure Island.' You used many multimodal tools to keep the audience engaged. Well done, Amelie!
4 SMMurphy Z.For the way in which he is taking more responsibility for his learning and giving his best efforts to tasks. Well done Murphy!   Keep up the great attitude!
4SMTrisha G.For displaying a conscientious approach towards all learning tasks. You show such care and attention to detail. Keep up the awesome work Trisha!
6 JSJacob P.For a great effort during the Studio Incursion. You worked well with yours team all day and did a particularly good job when recording your thoughts about an alleged gaming cheat on your podcast. Well done Jacob! 
6 LVAlannah M.For always demonstrating a high level of organisation, effort and positivity into her learning, which is always so beautifully presented!  Fantastic work Alannah!
6 SCStefanie S.For her superb commitment to her learning. It has been wonderful to see how hard you are trying in all areas! Well done Stef!
6 TJKen Z.For always putting in your best effort in class, and for being one of our ICT gurus. Your tech skills are always in demand in 6TJ. Thanks Ken.