Religious Education and Social Justice

Prayer for Grandparents


Pope Francis has proclaimed that the World Day for Grandparents will be celebrated on the fourth Sunday in July each year. This year the dedicated day is Sunday 28th July. The day is marked near the Feast of Saints Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of Jesus. 





Dear God,

Please bless our grandparents.

Thank you for the life they gave our parents and for the life they give to us.

For the ways they help us be strong, 

we give thanks.

For the ways they love us no matter what, 

we rejoice.

For the ways they have paved the road that leads us here, we are grateful.

Let them grow in wisdom and joy in life.

Let them find peace and rest from their work.

Let them be healed of every sickness and pain.

And let them see with their own eyes 

the glory of your Son, Jesus,

in the love of their children and grandchildren.

Bless them always until they come 

to rest in you.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.
