Holy Saviour School Bulletin

Dear Families,
Welcome back to a brand new school term! We hope you had a restful break and are ready for an exciting journey ahead. As we begin this new semester together, we wanted to extend a warm welcome back to all our students, parents, and staff members.
Throughout this term, we have a plethora of activities, events, and educational opportunities planned. From engaging classroom discussions to 100 Days of Prep, Grandparent’s Day, sports competitions, and a whole school excursion, there will be something for everyone to get involved in and make their mark.
School Holiday Works
Over the school holidays, the Emmaus Maintenance Team (& contractors!) worked around the clock to complete quite a lot of refurbishment work throughout the school. New carpet and painting in the corridors looks amazing, but the highlight for the students are the brightly coloured doors in the student toilets! This week we have started to move JLC & MLC into their “new” rooms, where they will be for the remainder of the year. From Monday, JLC will be in the STEAM room (opposite the library) and MLC will be in the Music room (opposite the toilets). The Shared Area and adjoining classrooms will be a “Student & Parent Free Zone” from Monday 22nd July.
Welcome to Holy Saviour
This term, we welcome four new students to Holy Saviour! Kieran (Yr3) and Nicole (Yr4) have both started in MLC this week. Next week, we will welcome Zara (Yr5) to SLC-C and Mia Rose (Yr6) to SLC-KC. We wish them and their families an enjoyable, faith-filled, community experience at Holy Saviour.
Grandparents / Special Friends Day - Fri 26th July
On Friday, 26th July we will celebrate the gift of our grandparents. This is a wonderful day that is enjoyed by the children and adults alike. We invite grandparents, or other people who are special to us, to join us for Mass at 9.10am followed by a visit to the classrooms and Morning Tea.
If any families are able to bring along some morning tea to share and assist with serving, it would be greatly appreciated.
Please RSVP by next Tuesday 23rd July via the Audiri app form sent out earlier in the week, or email the office.
Grandparents Day Parish-School Mass Sun 28th July
Next Sunday 28th July at 10:00am, we will have our Grandparents Day Parish-School Mass. All Holy Saviour families are encouraged to attend and to be involved in the Mass in some way including readings and prayers. Please fill in the Audiri app form sent out earlier in the week, or email the office. indicating your intentions to attend and any particular roles your child/children would like to undertake by next Tuesday 23 July, so we can have time to prepare the students.
Parent Helpers Needed for Lunch Order Pickups
We are seeking some Parent Helpers this term to assist with lunch order pickups.
Please advise if you can assist with Subway or Baker's Delight Lunch order pickups on a Tuesday or Friday Morning.
Both stores are located at the Vermont South shops and all that's required is to collect the orders from the stores and drop them off to the school anytime before lunch (1.30pm).
Thank you to the families who have already agreed to assist. If we have enough families volunteering then a roster can be devised and it will only be a commitment of couple of dates per term.
Please indicate your availability on the Audiri app form sent out earlier in the week or email the office.
Emmaus College Junior School - Family Information Evening
Please save the following date in your diaries, I encourage all of you to attend and get the latest updates on the plans we have for 2025.
Wednesday 31st July
- 6.00pm Sausage Sizzle
- 6.45pm Presentation about the Junior School Program
Book Club
The Edition 5 Scholastic Book Club catalogue was sent home this afternoon. Please submit all orders by Friday 2nd August, 5pm. To view the catalogue online and place your order please click here.
School Tours & Open Days
Since the announcement of the Emmaus College P-12 beginning next year, I have been swamped with school tours! Our previously organised Open Days have now finished, but we have scheduled some new dates for Term 3. Please feel free to share the following with anyone you know who wishes to enrol at Holy Saviour/Emmaus College:
- Tuesday 23rd July - 9.30am
- Tuesday 13th Aug - 9.30am
- Wednesday 14th Aug - 4pm
This week our Year 3 & 5 students received their NAPLAN results. I hope that these reflect your child's academic abilities. Be aware that they are a snapshot of assessment conducted in March this year. They are set at a challenging but reasonable level expected at the time of testing, based mainly on what has been taught in previous years of schooling. We know that all students continue to progress throughout the year.
As a school we are very happy with these NAPLAN results. Later in the year we will receive the State Mean scores and we will be able to compare our results to the results of the State. This information will be communicated to families later in the school year.
Prep 2025 Enrolments
We have had great interest in Prep for 2025, as well as other year levels, and we’ve had a good number of enrolments come through already. If you have a child who is eligible to start Prep in 2025, please submit your enrolment at your earliest convenience. This will enable us to develop a clear picture of classing and group sizes for 2025. Enrolments for 2025 are to be made through the Emmaus portal.
Catholic Secondary School Enrolment Applications
Key Enrolment Dates for Year 5 Students in 2024 starting Year 7 in 2026
The key enrolment dates for students in Year 5 in 2024 who will be starting Year 7 in 2026 have been agreed after consultation with the Executive of the Principals Association of Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools (PAVCSS).
The timeline of events and dates are as follows:
Monday 29th January 2024 – Applications open for students commencing Year 7 in 2026.
Friday 16th August 2024 – Applications will close.
Friday 18th October 2024 – Offers will be posted to prospective Year 7 applicants.
Friday 8th November 2024 – Final date for parents/carers to accept an offer made by a school.
Parents of Year 5 students in 2024, please diarise these dates so you don’t miss out.
Mr Steve Evans