Foundation News…

In Foundation, we commenced a new maths topic of Measurement! The students had the opportunity to explore what it means to be long, short and tall. We love bringing in hands-on maths learning into our classrooms, and measurement was the perfect topic to include real world connections. The task given was to measure height through unifix blocks. They had to practice the skills of measuring, counting and comparing. It was a lot of fun to use each other's height in a maths lesson.
Respectful Relationships
Each week the foundation students build on core life skills in our Respectful Relationships lessons. This week we explored the idea of playing appropriately with our peers and making good decisions when playing. We read a story called "This is our House" by Michael Rosen. See if you can find the important message the students found in this story...
The students had to practice the key ideas found in this story and discussed within the class. Through playing board and card games the students were faced with challenges of following rules and being fair, showing kindness and respect, and being inclusive. They all showed great teamwork and listening skills to their peers. Make sure to use these skills when your next playing Uno or Monopoly!