Mrs Wallis

Welcome back to another exciting term in STEM

This term it's all about Environmental Science.


The Foundation students are looking at different materials, natural and man made. They are learning about where the materials come from, how they are made and what they are useful for. They are also looking at the knowledge of First Nations People and how they used natural resources to make their tools.


The Grade 1/2 classes have started looking at the weather. They are learning about why we have Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. They are also looking at local First Nations knowledge and ideas surrounding the seasons. Did you know that the Wurundjeri People, have 7 seasons that they follow? It will be great when Waring (Wombat) Season is over and we start to move into Guling (Orchid) Season where we'll see some warmer days


In 3/4 and 5/6, the students are studying all things related to water. They are looking at how it’s needed to support every living thing on Earth, the water cycle, how it’s sourced for our use, and the impact it has on the Environment. They are also looking at First Nations knowledge of sustainable practices for using water where we live.


Week 5 is Science Week!

To celebrate Science Week this year, we are having The Education Group come out over two days and run Virtual Reality sessions for every student. These VR sessions will be run in place of the regular STEM lesson, and may be on a different day/time to your child’s normal STEM lesson to accommodate the incursion timeframe. The facilitators will provide VR headsets for every student to use, uploaded with their specialised and cutting edge software. The cost per student has been sent out to each family at the beginning of term, on Compass. Please contact the office if you have any questions about payment.


Here is some information from The Education Groups website, on the Eco in VR session that our students will be experiencing:

Virtually visit our amazing planet and understand the challenges it is facing. Our expert droid Glido and his pals guide the whole class around the Earth in Virtual Reality!

Climate change is an important topic with complex causes. Real ecological problems are brought to life in this school workshop, along with simple real-life solutions. Issues such as pollution, overfishing, agriculture and plastic waste are examined.