Learning in Prep A

Miss Campli

We Are All A Part Of God's Family

In Prep A the students have been exploring the meaning and importance of family within the Catholic school community. They have been introduced to the key family members in Jesus’ life including Mary, Joseph, John the Baptist and Elizabeth. The students are learning about Jesus' disciples who followed him to spread the word of God and explored how Jesus called them his brothers and sisters. We have been thinking about our own families to whom we can turn for support. 


What is a family?

We started by discussing who can be in a family. Then, the students drew their families. Students also brought in a photo of their family to share with the class and introduced their family members to us. We discussed what families do together, where families live and what families eat. We celebrated our unique differences. It is important to share and discuss all types of families and how they are different!


Here are Prep A's family photos and drawings:

Why do we need a family?

Have a read of our poster outside our classroom showcasing why Prep A students love and appreciate their families.

Jesus' Family

Jesus had parents, brothers and maybe even sisters. His family life was probably a lot like ours. He had chores and was expected to eat all of his dinner and make his bed. But, as Jesus grew up and started his ministry, he talked about his family differently.  


Mark 3:35 “Anyone who does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”


Jesus made a point to say that anyone who believed in him was a brother or sister. That’s good news for us... We can be a part of God’s family, too. All we have to do is put our trust in Jesus and we’re in!

A Prayer For My Family

May God bless us and keep us.

May God’s face shine on us.

May God be good to us.

May God look kindly on us

and give us peace.



Here is a book written by Todd Parr called 'The Family Book'. You may like to use this book to encourage you to talk about your family and the different kinds of families that exist. 


Thank you for reading, 

From Prep A 😊