Principal's Report 

Principal's Day

Dear Families,

Thank you for your kind words of gratitude expressed on World Principal's Day, last Friday. The drawings, cards and gifts were very special and warmed the hearts of Aimee and myself.


My position as principal of St Leonard's began five and a half years ago, meaning the Year 5 and 6 students would remember my first speech to the school where I told a story about ATTITUDE. The story had been shared with me some years earlier by a colleague. I'd like to share the story with you again now.


This is a short story about two men who were both taking a journey into central Australia by train. One man had a ticket for first class and the other had a third class economy ticket.

When emailing home about their travels, one man wrote of an exhilarating experience with panoramic views of a fantastic landscape, blue skies and bright sunshine. He wrote of the fresh air, wide open spaces , friendly and interesting people to meet and an environment which was full of the promise of endless possibilities.

The second man emailed of a dreadful and exhausting trip full of dust and flies and heat, with boring flat landscapes and unwelcoming strangers. He described an overall feeling of desolation and oppression.


How could it be that two men on the same journey could experience the event so differently?

You might think it was all to do with the difference between the first class and third class seats. But No!


The biggest difference between the two men was the ATTITUDE that they brought with them.


On our journeys in life, our attitude is much more important than the class we are travelling in.


My hope is that all of us on this journey will find in ourselves the best possible attitude. My hope is, that on our journey together will be one where we can be excited, hopeful, full of wonder and awe at the endless possibilities which this great school and parish can offer to all who attend them.


Aimee & I thank Camp Australia for their cupcakes, cards and flowers.

Called by God and led by faith to take action, Mary MacKillop's attitude to helping others is a model for all of us. Her famous quote says:


Never see a need without doing something about it.


The website encourages us to walk in the footsteps of Australia’s Saint, Mary MacKillop, by being Fierce for Fair. This year's theme prompts us to be fierce in the face of adversity by:

  • Being fair and act when we see injustice. 
  • Giving love to those we encounter each day. 

It was terrific to see parents and family members at the liturgy today. I thank Anthony Adaman and the students for leading us in prayer and reflection.


At our staff meeting last night, I invited the staff to reflect on Mary MacKillop in the prayer focus questions for Week 4  "Faith Makes Us Strong."

  • How does believing in something bigger than yourself make you feel strong?
  • What are some ways you can show your faith to others?
  • How can we keep our faith strong even when things get tough?
  • How can we share our happiness and excitement about our faith with others?
  • How does believing in God help us to feel hopeful about the future?
  • What does it mean to trust God even when things aren’t going the way you want?

Wonderful news from Adriana Siomos

Adriana has asked me to share some wonderful news on behalf of herself, Andrew and their family, who welcomed their new baby into the world in the early morning hours of Saturday 3rd of August.


The baby’s name is Isabella Emilia Siomos, and she weighed 2.91kg and measured 48cm. We have been told that Isabella has her mum's curls too! Both mother and baby are well and healthy.


I know you will join me in congratulating Adriana and Andrew, as well as Nonna Toni (Signora Di Petta) on the birth of a beautiful new granddaughter.

Please read the Library page of this newsletter for more information from Kaye Gregory about Book Day, Tuesday 20th August. On this day children can come to school dressed up as a book character from one of their favourite books or come as something related to the theme ‘Reading is Magic.’ The 9am Book Parade and rotating activities, as well as the live performance of "Maybe a Miracle," promise to be a real celebration of the value of books and reading. Parents and siblings are welcome to come dressed for the parade.


Last Sunday, our Wakakirri team performed to a large audience of well over 100 people. We thank Cathy Ellis for her creative genius and we thank the parents who helped with hair and make-up and set up and everyone was very quick at the end getting everything packed up and to the performing arts room. This was the first time the group used the hall for a bigger stage and this gave the kids the chance to work on their spacing in preparation for the Wakakirri performance at Frankston Arts Centre  on the 23rd of August. Tomorrow we welcome our Prep 2025 families to a 2pm dress rehearsal followed by a play in the playground.


  • On the 14th of August our Preps dress up to mark 100 Days of School. Today, our Prep A students invite you to read the learning in Prep A page of this newsletter to see their work on being part of God's family.
  • On  the15th of August we celebrate the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the earth, when both her soul and her body were taken into the presence of God. We invite all families to our whole school mass at 9:15am. 
  • Book Day is August 20th. Please read the Library page of this newsletter.
  • Last Friday our Year 5/6's participated in a summer sports day and tomorrow morning they have their athletics trials at Central Reserve. 


Wishing every family a very happy week ahead. 


Rob Horwood

