Year 5/6

Year 5/6 Cluster News


Reading: Aim for 20 minutes minimum reading per night. As students complete a book, they are to record the author, title and date of finishing in their Reader’s Workshop book. We encourage students to read aloud, either to themselves or a parent.   

Mathematics: Continue working on general multiplication skills and number facts.  


Uniform: Please ensure students are wearing the correct uniform as stated in the uniform policy. Students in Year 5/6 should be in formal uniform on Monday and Wednesday (unless they have netball practice). If a child has come to school in the incorrect uniform, it is an expectation that a parent note or email will be sent with the child.  


Photo Day: Please also ensure students are in correct uniform for photo day next Tuesday (August 6th). Students will also need to bring their PE uniform for their PE lesson on that day. Boys are expected to be in either full winter uniform or full summer uniform without mixing and matching.  


Connected School Worship: On Thursday next week, students will be heading to Endeavour College to join in with Connected Schools Worship. They will also receive morning tea which is usually a muffin and juice box.  


SACSA Netball: We have nominated for a girls’ and boys’ team for SACSA Netball. Students will be trying out for this event over the next couple of weeks and the teams will be chosen from there.  


Current and Upcoming Learning  


Christian Studies: We have started our new unit which focuses on ‘Students develop skills to examine the scriptures and analyse its cultural and historical contexts’. We are initially focusing on the Bible and its textual features. 


Unit Of Inquiry: We are continuing our unit of inquiry in ‘Where we are in Place and Time’. Students are researching a key person or group of people that brought about change in either the colony of South Australia (Year 5) or Australia (Year 6). Students are working on putting together an oral presentation to share with their class in week 3 (Monday 5th – Friday 9th August) about their key person and the impact they had. All information is on both Toddle and Teams for students to access. Please assist your child by listening to their speech, giving them an opportunity to practice their voice volume, eye contact, body language, etc.  

Next week, we will also be starting our government unit which will include an excursion to Parliament House.  


Literacy: During reader’s and writer’s workshop, students will be using this time to learn how to craft an oral presentation effectively. 


Mathematics: This coming week, students will be starting their unit on fractions. Fractions is a unit that many students struggle with conceptually. Please have conversations about the use of fractions in everyday life. This unit will then lead into decimals and percentages.  


Other Announcements  

Special Persons Afternoon – Please note that the date has changed for Special Person’s Afternoon (SPA). It will now be Friday the 20th September (Week 9, Friday).  



Yours sincerely, 

Luke Napier 

Lauren Neumann 

Jayne Zadow