From the Principal

St Justin’s Primary School acknowledges the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as Australia's First People and Traditional Custodians of the land and waterways on which our school stands.

We pay our respects to the Bunurong people of the Kulin Nation, and their elders past and present, and emerging as we continue to proudly live and learn on their land.


St Justin's Primary School - Celebrating over 40 years of Catholic Education



Dear Families and Friends,

Celebrating Love and Kindness on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is often thought of as a day for couples, but its true meaning goes far beyond that. At St Justin's, we see Valentine’s Day as a wonderful opportunity to celebrate love in all its forms – love for our family, friends, classmates, teachers, and even the wider community.


St. Valentine, for whom the day is named, was known for his kindness, compassion, and care for others. His legacy reminds us that love is not just about romance but about showing kindness, respect, and gratitude to those around us. In our Catholic faith, we are called to love one another as Jesus loves us, treating everyone with kindness and generosity.


This Valentine’s Day, we are all encouraged to think about the different ways we can share love and kindness. A simple smile, a kind word, a helping hand, or a thoughtful note can brighten someone’s day. Whether it’s thanking someone, talking someone new, or helping a friend, small acts of love can make a big difference.


As we celebrate Valentine’s Day, let us remember that love is a gift meant to be shared with everyone. May our school community continue to be a place of kindness, friendship, and faith, where love is expressed in the way we treat one another every day.


Happy Valentine’s Day!

Existing Families - Enrolment for 2026

We are in the process of preparing our enrolments for 2026

Application are nowonline. If any current school families require an enrolment application for 2026 click on the link below:


Click on "Apply Now"


We would like these applications completed by March 20th 2025 so we have an idea of our numbers for 2026 before we offer places to new families.

Open Day 

Our Open Day is planned for Thursday 20th March, running from 9am-7:30pm. This is a great opportunity for new families looking for a school for their children for 2026 to come along and see what St Justin's has to offer. We would love some volunteers, parents and students, to help run this day - we require at least two parents throughout the day to meet and greet and then some volunteer students from 3:30pm - 7:30pm to help with tours.

Year 6 Camp

Next week our Year 6 students will attend camp at Portsea. The camp provides our students with the opportunity to further their learning and social skills development in a non-school setting. We wish them all the best and trust that our Year 5 students will confidently lead our school in their absence.

St Justin's School Award

Today at our school assembly we introduced to the students a new award in honour of our Patron Saint. St Justin was a philosopher and a very studious person, who had a love of learning. He was also very passionate about standing up for what was right and leading by example. St Justin was a man of great faith and followed Jesus' example by helping those in need. 


This award will be given throughout the year when a student displays these qualities in extraordinary circumstances.


Today, Isaac S in Year 4, was presented this award for demonstrating qualities like St Justin by encouraging and supporting his peers on the playground. Congratulations to Isaac for winning this very special award.

School Fees and Year 6 Camp Levy

School Fees have beeen issued to all families. Please refer to Fees and Levies and Year 6 families please note that the $450 Camp Levy on your fees must be paid prior to your child attending Camp at Portsea. 

Student Absences

We take the opportunity to remind all families that student absences should be reported to school by 8:30am by phoning the office prior to school commencing.


The “Mark Student Absent” module in nForma  has been disabled. This is being worked on and we will inform you when it has been tested and is operational.  Audiri is no longer available to record absentees. 


In the interim, Student Absences are to be reported in the following way:  

  1. Leave a message via Student Absence on 9561 7644

We appreciate your support with this advice.

Sacrament Dates 2025

Please refer to Education in Faith for 2025 Sacrament Dates.

School Car Parking - School Gate

We continue to have parents using the car park to drop off and pick up students. Over the last few weeks we have had at least two close calls; one involving a child and the other involving two staff members. To drive into the staff / church car park is one thing, to drove up at a careless speed is another. Both are not permitted. Parents should not enter the school grounds unless prior arrangement has been made with the office. In the next few weeks, the gate will be closed from 8:30am - 9:00am and then again from 3:00pm - 3:45pm. Anyone needed to access the school grounds will need to ring the office. In the mean time, Fr Andrew and Mr torpey are exploring other ways to help keep our community safe. Thank you to all those who do cooporate and make choices, not necessarily the easiest choice, to keep our community safe. 

Camps Sports and Excursions Fund

 As always, thank you for your ongoing support.


All the best,




Mr Patrick Torpey
