
Admin – Newsletter
Just a reminder for our families, when dropping off or picking up children.
- Please obey the parking restriction signs
- Please don’t park longer than the time limit in the “kiss and go” zones
- Please respect our neighbours and do not park across their driveways
Your assistance with this will help keep our community safe.
Family Payments 2025
Family payments for the 2025 school year are available on Compass. A reminder that Steiner and Garden fees are extra-curricular for students participating and so payment is essential. More information about garden class arrangements to come next week.
Mainstream Curriculum Contributions ($280 this year) are also available on Compass. Your contribution to these goes directly towards providing essential class materials (stationery, art supplies etc) for our classrooms.
Voluntary Contributions (First Aid, Grounds, Student Support). Families who opt to pay any or all of these can vary the amount in Compass as they wish. These contributions help to fund first aid supplies and equipment, maintenance of our grounds, and support for students whose families may be experiencing financial difficulty.
School Savings Bonus (SSB)
A reminder that families wishing to use their SSB for activities will need “Parent A” to login to the parent portal and reallocate any or all of the funds from ‘textbooks/uniforms’ to ‘activities’. We are not permitted to allocate to activities unless this occurs. You will also need to advise the school as to how you would like to allocate EG. $100 to garden, $300 Camp.
For 5/6 camp only
Please email – subject line “5/6 Camp allocation – “Child/ren’s Name/s” and advise amount to allocate.
For all other activities: please use the SSB allocation form available at the office, OR from Compass>Community>School Documentation>SSB>SSB Form. Please email to the school with subject line SSB Allocation – ‘Child/ren’s name” or drop into the office.
Please note that Compass does not currently have an option to use your SSB credit yet but they are working on it. For now, families will need to consent and pay for the upcoming World of Maths incursion as you would normally. Apologies, but we’re unable to manage the volume and time needed to process any other way at this time. Families with CSEF credit can continue to choose CSEF/Credit as an option.
Session Times
- 8:45 - 9am Staff member on duty. (Please note, there is no supervision before this time. Please book children into TeamKids for early arrivals)
- 9am - 10am – Session 1
- 10am - 11am – Session 2
- 11am - 11:10am – Eating time (recess)
- 11:10am - 11:40am - Outdoor play
- 11:40 - 12:40pm – Session 3
- 12:40 - 1:40 pm – Session 4
- 1:40 - 1:50pm – Eating time (lunch)
- 1:50 - 2:30pm – Outdoor play
- 2:30 - 3:30pm – Session 5
- 3:30pm - Home time