Year 3/4

Year 3/4 Cluster News
Home Inquiry
Continue discovering and sharing examples of where you see change at home.
Learning this week:
Year 3’s will be looking into ‘u’ which makes a ‘ue’ sound. Year 4’s will be focusing on the digraphs th, ch and sh.
Year 3 – u = ue | Year 4 – th, ch, sh |
unit tuna duet menu tulip emu
human music usual computer unicorn unicycle
peculiar cucumber unique universe communicate solution | smooth famish thorny loathing backlash cheerless
benchmark archway bashful faithful outlandish parchment
gibberish mythical achieve anchovy squashed betrothed
Reader’s and Writer’s workshop:
We will be:
Setting up our writer’s notebook
Exploring how writer’s spark ideas
Learning how to write like a reader
Continuing to build our reading stamina
Mathematics: We will be shifting our focus to chance experiments; repeated experiments and the likelihood of events. We will also be teaching strategies to support number operations, with a focus on addition and subtraction.
Unit of Inquiry: We have commenced our investigation into How the World Works. Over the coming weeks, students will explore and investigate heat transfer, solids, liquids and gases and forces, through fair and unfair testing. Looking through the lens of Function, Form and Change, students will formulate questions.
STEM – Making in week 5 and 7
To prepare for making, students will need to bring in some materials from home such as cardboard boxes and containers. These can be brought in and stored in the STEM room. We will supply things like alfoil, glad wrap, tape and glue. Thankyou!
Tuesday 18th February 3/4 excursion to Botanical Gardens and Jam Factory in Adelaide CBD. Students are required to wear PE uniform and closed in shoes. If you have not already, please complete the electronic consent form ASAP!
School Calendar:
May God bless your week,
Chelsie Riches, James Salisbury and Lauren Neumann
Chelsie Riches
James Salisbury
Lauren Neumann