Year 2/3

Year 2/3 Cluster News
Home Inquiry
Reading: Aim to read 15 minutes at home per night. Let’s finish the premiers reading challenge as a class again this year!
High Frequency Words: We will begin using these at school, once any unknown words are determined then they will be sent home for practicing.
Inquiry: Think of what symbols you have in your house for different items, objects or meanings.
Learning this week:
Literacy: Word Study: Year 2 sound focus this week is: silent k Year 3 sound focus this week is: u = ue. Below are the two lists of words we will be using at school to practice the sounds with.
Year 2 – silent k | Year 3 – u = ue | |
song trunk knee knit know knock knight penknife grandma grandpa | unit tuna duet menu tulip emu human music usual
| computer unicorn unicycle peculiar cucumber unique universe communicate solution |
Key: underlined = revision words; bold = high frequency words
Writer’s Workshop: we will continue to explore what writers do and will begin exploring how we can get ideas for our writing.
Readers Workshop: we will continue to explore the reading environment and what is needed to create a space for reading, as well as choosing ‘good fit’ books.
Mathematics: We will be exploring the properties of numbers and addition strategies this week.
Unit of Inquiry: This semester (Term 1 & Term 2) we will have an ongoing unit of inquiry: Who We Are with a theme of resilience. This will continue across both terms with focus lessons occurring weekly.
We will continue our How We Express Ourselves unit of inquiry this week.
Premiers Reading Challenge: This year in 2/3TR students will have their own individual records to track the books they read. Students are required to read eight books from the book list and four free choice books. Year 3s will be borrowing yellow dot books from the Library and the Year 2s blue dots. The full list of suitable books for your child can be found online at this link:
As you read books at home, please feel free to email them to me so I can help your child to add them to their list or alternatively feel free to visit the classroom before or after school to add them to the list with your child. The recording sheets will be kept at school. We will also aim to read some books as a class to help to complete our records.
School Calendar:
Blessings for the week ahead,
Brodie Trezona & Cloe Richardson