Year 1/2

Year 1/2 Cluster News
We are enjoying seeing the family photos which have come in so far for display in the class. Please continue to send or email them to us.
A reminder that school starts at 8.45am as the 1/2AK class begins their fortnightly STEM lesson at that time on a Thursday.
Home Inquiry
Ask the members of your family what they do to take care of themselves. Do they have any new ideas you had not thought of yet?
Which Kimochi character are you most like (Cat, Huggtopus, Cloud, Bug, Lovey Dove? You could draw a picture of yourself with them and write some words that describe you both.
Read every night for 10-15 minutes.
Weekly Timetable – 1/2 Classes
Monday | Year 1s change take home books.
Assembly |
Tuesday | Year 2s change take home books.
Library |
Wednesday | Sport
Thursday | STEM (odd weeks) |
Friday | Chapel
Golden Time
Canteen |
Learning for Week 4 and 5
Word Study (previously Jolly Spelling):
Week 4
Year 1 sound ‘ea’ for /ee/ sound
Year 2 ‘ee/ea’ for the /ee/ sound
Week 5
Year 1 ‘i_e’ for the /ie/ sound
Year 2 ‘ie, i_e, igh’
Grammar Focus
Year 1: Sentences (Week 4 and 5)
Year 2: Sentences, Speech Marks
Writer’s Workshop: we will continue exploring what writers do and record our own ideas.
Readers Workshop: We will continue listening to students and conferencing with them.
We will continue looking at partitioning numbers into part/part = whole e.g. 4 and 2 makes 6.
Mental Computation ideas
Counting in 5s
Counting in 2s
Counting in 10s forwards and backwards
Unit of Inquiry: Who We Are
Central Idea: People’s attitudes and actions impact wellbeing and relationships.
Line of Inquiry 1: Personal wellbeing.
Line of Inquiry 2: Actions that build a safe and healthy community.
Line of Inquiry 3: My connections/relationships with others.
We continue our learning about Kimochis and how the Kimochi characters help us to identify our feelings and regulate our emotions. We will explore how each of the characters demonstrate our learner profile attributes.
Other Reminders
Please make sure your child can do up laces themselves if they have shoes with laces. Another option is shoes with Velcro until they learn this skill.
Bag Tags
It is useful for students to have a bag tag to identify their bag. Please only put one bag tag on and make sure it is not a special one that will be missed if it is lost as we are not able to monitor this.
Each day students need to bring the following. Please label everything.
hats – these will remain at school for the term. GGOSH is aware and they have spare hats if needed.
Take Home Bags which are also for Library borrowing.
water bottles
a fruit snack
Lunch Boxes
Please pack a substantial lunch rather than lots of recess snacks and put an ice pack in on hot days as the lunches remain in school bags outside. We also ask that you send in ‘nude food’ which does not include wrappers.
Library Borrowing
Both classes visit the Library on Tuesdays to borrow 2 books for 2 weeks.
Take Home books
Children have begun to take home 2-3 interest books to read at home. A letter has been sent home explaining the process. During the week, we will listen to children and begin sending decodable books or other good fit books home to read.
Please apply sunscreen in the mornings before school. We will encourage reapplication during the day. If your child requires their own sunscreen, please label it and they can keep it in their bag.
We post important information reminders, student learning, photos/videos and assessments on this platform. Please contact the office if you are not connected.
During the year we have excursions, a Year 1 Sleepover and a Year 2 Camp.
If you are interested in volunteering, there a few things you must have up to date to be able to come along or to help in the classroom. Please do not volunteer unless you have these already. Contact the office if you have any questions.
- Working With Children Check (WWCC)
- Responding to Abuse, Harm and Neglect training (RRHAN-EC)
- Valuing Safe Communities (VSC) training
May God bless your week,
Melanie Arnold and Ellen Zimmer
Melanie Arnold:
Tim Kriewaldt
Ellen Zimmer