
Solway Science News
This year we were very excited to open our Solway Science Centre (unofficially referred to as the ‘Science Lab’). This new Science classroom is a space specifically for the purpose of teaching primary-school level Science. Each week, for 50 minutes, our Prep-Year 6 students have time to explore, investigate and learn new Science skills and concepts that are aligned with the Victorian Curriculum’s guidelines.
In our Science Lab, we will be learning a different area of science each term: Physical Sciences, Earth and Space Sciences, Chemical Sciences and Biological Sciences. Alongside these areas, we will also learn about science inquiry processes and how to apply science to everyday life (including sustainability and caring for our planet). At the end of each term, we will apply our science inquiry skills to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) challenge activities to finish every term in a fun, problem-solving manner.
Term 1: Physical Sciences
This term, our students are learning about the following Science topics. Each topic is matched to suit their age and appropriate year level, to maximise understanding.
The topics are:
Prep – Movement
Year 1 and Year 2 – Light and Sound
Year 3 and Year 4 – Heat Energy and Temperature
Year 5 and Year 6 – Light, Mirrors, Colours and Vision
Year 3 and Year 4 News: Heating Up
In Year 3 and 4, we are learning about heat energy and temperature. This week we completed a ‘melting ice’ investigation. We discovered that our warm body temperature (the heat energy from the palm of our hand), applying pressure (relegation) and the warmer air temperature caused the ice to melt. We discussed heat transfer - the movement of heat from a warmer object to a colder one.
Tracy Birt
Science Teacher