
Diary Dates- Book Week 2025


Book Week 2025- It’s a date! Book Week occurs every year in Term 3. The dates for Book Week 2025 are Saturday 16 to Saturday 23 August.  Solway will be celebrating with a Book Week parade on Monday 18 August. We will be celebrating throughout the week with author visits and art activities. This year our author visit will be from Cristy Burne, author of the ‘Wednesday Weeks’ series among others. Cristy is an an award winning author, scientist, stem journalist and public speaker.  We are looking forward to her visit in Term 3.

Reading Eggs/ Fast Phonics/ Wushka


Students at Solway are provided with both physical and digital take home books. Physical readers, alongside library books will begin coming home shortly.  Digital logins will also be provided to students for the following programs.

Reading Eggs/ Fast Phonics

All students from Prep to Year 6 will receive a Reading Eggs login.  Reading Eggs has a digital take home library and literacy games all designed to improve student’s reading skills. This application is used at home and at school. For senior students, the Reading Eggs program is levelled up to the Reading Eggspress program. Reading Eggs also has a fast phonics program, and Maths seeds program included in the login. This program is available to download onto iPads as an application and can also be accessed via the internet in your browser.  A Mathletics login will also be provided for students as part of Reading Eggs.



Students in Year 1 and 2 will also have access to Wushka which is a digital take home library.  Students can access both levelled readers and a decodable library. This program can be accessed via your browser.


News in my neighbourhood

Are your children budding reporters? Do they have a keen interest in photography or film making?

Or maybe they're passionate about a particular topic or issue that's had a big impact on their lives. 

This is the competition for them!

In the News in My Neighbourhood Competition, ABC education is inviting school students (Foundation to Year 12) from across Australia to create and produce creative media responses to a series of news and information challenges.

They want to hear about what matters to students; the ideas, topics, activities and experiences that are important to them and their communities. There are new challenges every term and winning students for each year group will have their work — which could include news articles, drawings, videos, podcasts or photo essays — published and featured on the ABC.

For more information please visit ABC Education- News in my neighbourhood


Sarah Watkins

Acting Assistant Principal/Literacy Specialist