Senior School

Dear Year 10 Families,


Respectful Relationships continues to be a core focus at Macleod College. As a continuation of the great work our Middle School has already done over the past two years our students will be taking part in the Big Sister or Man Cave program next Thursday, 27 February.


Students in year 10 will be allowed to wear casual clothes and must supply their own lunch or order from our canteen. Please read below for an overview of each program. More detailed information will follow next week. If your student can please arrive at school by 8:55am that will help to ensure the day gets off to a successful start.


The Complete Big Sister Experience is an ongoing experience for girls and gender diverse young people. The 3 workshops can be experienced by the same group of students over the course of 18 months, or experienced by the same students over 3 consecutive years.


The Man Cave is a preventative mental health and emotional literacy charity aiming for a world in which every man has healthy relationships, contributes to his community and reaches his full potential. We’ve provided 80,000+ young men with impactful programs, positive role models and accessible resources.


Reminder for all Unit 3&4 students, last date for SEAS application form returns is this coming Friday 28 February. Please return the signed and completed Student Consent form and Medical form (if applicable) to Mr Light (D14).


Royce Light

Senior School Leader