Primary Leader

It has been a very settled start to term 1, 2025 in the Primary School. We are very happy to have 3 new staff on our teaching team: Miss Anu Tilly in Prep/Year 1, Mrs Lisa Benetti sharing with Ms Chris in Year 1/2 and Mr Damiano Lo Nigro in Year 5/6. If you have not had the opportunity to meet them, feel free to introduce yourself even if they don’t teach your child this year.
Our new teachers have commented on how friendly our community is and how welcome they have been made to feel so far.
I would like to thank those parents/carers who were able to make it to the Meet the Teacher session this week. I’m sure you found them to be informative and hopefully you were able to have any of your questions answered. I know the staff appreciate the opportunity to meet you all face to face early in the year so that they can connect with you and start to build the relationship to support your child.
This week, the Year 1/2, 2/3 and 4/5 classes attended an educational session with Kalia from Yarra Valley Water. They learnt some important lessons about water usage and awareness around ways to save water. If your child attended any of the sessions, have a conversation with them about the messages they received to help you save on your water bills and your family’s use of water. The reason for organising this visit was to complement the Year 2/3 Waterworks unit in Science this term.
Mark, our Their Care coordinator, reports that the number of students attending out of School Hours Care are growing and the program under his direction is meeting the needs of our families very well. The children are very engaged in the activities and Mark encourages their input to plan the afternoon tea menus, art activities, games and various other events for the children. We encourage all parents to enrol their children in the program, even if it is just there as a back plan for emergencies or casual use. You can contact Mark on 0417 000124 or via email at
As I write this report, we look forward to our Primary Swimming Carnival at Yarra Swim School on Friday 21st February. Parents and carers are welcome to come along to cheer on the children. We will be at the pool from 12:00pm – 2:15pm. The weather forecast is also looking favourable for the day.
Karen Butterworth
Primary Leader