Student Representative Council

Hello, and welcome to a new school year, especially to the Year 7’s and any new students, staff, and families. We are Lucas and Ibrahim, your College Captains for 2025.


The Leadership Team here at Macleod College has seen incredible growth with many new SRC Members, and Events Team members joining us for 2025. We encourage students of all year levels to consider joining the Student Leadership Team, or to start planning to potentially become a College Captain once in Year 12.


Already, there is plenty to look forward to. With the Swimming Carnival in just a week's time, and Athletics not far away, Term 1 is set to be exciting! 


Macleod has been positively displaying the three school values of Connect, Respect and Achieve already. The year 11 and 12’s played inter-school basketball in which Connect and Respect was shown to the utmost degree. The Year 12’s also had the pleasure of meeting the new Year 7’s through the recently introduced buddy program, and we had a fun scavenger hunt on the first day of school. 


The senior school study center has now opened, and students from both Years 11 and 12 have been able to socialise, study and hang-out during recess and lunch. The cafe will also be open soon for Years 10-12 to enjoy coffee and hot chocolate!


To the Year 7’s, we hope you have all had a great introduction to high school and have settled in nicely. Remember, if you ever need anything, be sure to reach out to any of the College Captains or SRC Members. To the rest of the year levels, stay motivated and continue to study hard in preparation for Year 12. 


Lastly, for the Year 12’s, we wish you all good luck. This year is going to fly by, so work hard and stay on top of your work. We are an incredible year level, all capable of achieving great things this year, so keep pushing hard right through to the exams. Enjoy your last year of high school!


We are looking forward to a great year, with new events hosted by the Macleod Leadership Team. If you have any suggestions or issues you’d like for us to address, you are welcome to speak to Captain Team or representatives in your year level. On behalf of the Student Leadership Team, we wish you a safe, enjoyable, and eventful year!


Thank you

Lucas & Ibrahim, 2025 College Captains