Business Manager

Mr Hadyn Flynn

Welcome back to all families for the 2025 school year. My name is Hadyn Flynn, and this is my 28th year working for Catholic Education – Cairns. I have spent 20 years working in senior school leadership, with the past 16 years in the role of Business Manager at St Stephen’s Catholic College. In a secondary school environment every day presents a range of challenges, which I really thrive on.


"The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.” - John Maxwell


Diocesan policy is for school fees to be sent out early each term. Although we try our best to be 100% accurate, sometimes errors can appear in the first run of school fees for the year. 


Items that can be inadvertently missed are sibling discounts and bus charges. If you have another child attending a Catholic School in the Diocese, you are entitled to a 15% discount off your tuition fees. If there are two younger siblings at a Catholic school then the discount increases to 30% off tuition fees. Therefore, it is important that the office is informed of any sibling information. 


Families that travel on the Dimbulah, Kuranda, Mossman, Atherton and Tolga busses are charged per week bus fare via their school fees. Therefore, we need to know the occupants of each bus. 


A 5% discount off total fees is still available for families who elect to pay their entire annual fees upfront at the beginning of the year. 


When you receive your fees and you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact Pina directly via email or 4086 2508.


Whilst the College has been in holiday mode for staff and students, it provides a gap for much of our maintenance and construction work to occur. 


Over the Christmas break we had the painters in to touch up all classrooms, new signage mounted, extra water stations for students fitted, new walls installed in classrooms and pest control completed for all buildings. I would like to thank our Facilities Manager – Mr Chris Gillies and his team for their wonderful work ethic over the holidays.

Cold Water Stations
Cold Water Stations
Cold Water Stations
Cold Water Stations

Kind regards,


Hadyn Flynn