Primary School

Primary School Welcome Family BBQ 

Wednesday 12 February 4.00pm - 5.30pm

A reminder that RSVPs for the upcoming Primary School BBQ are due by Friday 7 February. Although this is a free event we require RSVPs for catering purposes. This event will be held at 395 Argyle Street Hobart - Walpole Courtyard. We will be welcoming The Rotary Club of Lindisfarne to run a sausage sizzle, both gluten free and vegan options will be available. 


Please note RSVP closes Friday 7 February.

Please book your tickets here.


Monday 17 February 

Our next Primary School Assembly will take place on Monday 17 February in The Farrall Centre and will commence at 2.15pm. We welcome members of our community to attend. Please remember that due to privacy concerns and to respect the photo permission choices of other families we ask you to refrain from taking photos and videos during assemblies.

Road Safety - Boa Vista Rd

The School and other families have witnessed several poor road safety and non-compliance choices on Boa Vista Road, which is compromising good safety, traffic flow and parking. Understandably, wellbeing and safety of everyone is paramount at Friends’ and as a School, we take road safety very seriously.  


Drivers are asked to exercise patience, obey the road rules, act with respect for others and follow the parking restrictions that are in place to ensure good order and safety at busy times. 


Should the traffic build up, please do not allow children to jump out of the car onto  the road, rather please wait until you can access a ‘stop and drop’ space.

Uniforms - Term 1 Hats

A reminder that children are required to be in the correct uniform for each day. For children in Kindergarten to Year 4, this is the  Sports Uniform, students in Years 5 and 6 should wear their formal uniform, unless it is their timetabled PE or co-curricular sports day. Details of uniform requirements can be found in the Uniform Handbook. During Term 1 we require all children to wear their hats whilst outdoors, so could you please ensure that these are packed everyday.

Outside School Hours Care - Bookings 

Bookings for the Outside School Hours Care program (both before and after school) on either a permanent or casual basis, must be made through Friends’ Early Learning Reception (contact by phone on 6210 2276 or email). 

Primary School Handbook

The Primary School Handbook provides families with detailed information about The Friends' School, the School structure and locations, learning principles and frameworks, co-curricular program, outside school hours care, and day-to-day matters and activities. The handbook is also located on The Friends' School website. For any further questions, please contact us.

Empty Jars and Bottles

The Primary School Cooking and Gardening program is seeking donations of empty jars and bottles to enable classes to start preserving some apple jam and elderberry cordial in the coming weeks. All donations would be greatly appreciated and should be left at the Primary School Office.

Meet the Teacher

11, 13, 18 and 20 February

Parents are invited to attend a “Meet the Teacher” session during February with Primary School classroom teachers. These sessions are designed to give you an overview of the learning program and classroom organisation for the year. Please note that child care will not be provided. All sessions will be held in classrooms at 5.00pm on the following dates:


Tuesday 11 February - Kinder/Prep 

Thursday 13 February - Year 1/Year 2

Tuesday 18 February - Year 3/Year 4

Thursday 20 February - Year 5/Year 6

Primary Library: Helpers Needed

Our Primary School Library is one of the busiest places in our school: would you believe we do around 35,000 loans per year?! We also have 18 classes a week and process many new resources over the course of the year to keep our collection up to date. We are looking for volunteers who may be able to help us in the afternoons with reshelving, tidying, and putting books back in order on the shelves. We would also appreciate help with book-covering: we are happy for this to be done at home if you cannot make it during the afternoon! Helpers will be given training, and will require a WWVP card. You will also need to fill in a volunteer form at this link. If you would like to volunteer, or would like more information, we would love to hear from you! Please email one of our Teacher-Librarians Sharon Ryan and Catherine Duffett.

Primary School Music Ensembles

All Primary School music groups will commence rehearsals next week (from Tuesday 11 February) with the exception of Year 5 Band. Information about Year 5 Band will be sent directly to Year 5 parents. Available groups include choirs, concert bands, string and marimba ensembles.  Please use  this link for ensemble details along with rehearsal times and locations.  For most music ensembles, students simply need to turn up to the first rehearsal to sign up. Please be aware that the expectation for ensemble membership is year long. We ask that parents discuss with children the importance of commitment, when deciding to join an ensemble. Please contact Estelle LevyChristine Akerman or Suzi Gillespie for further information.

Year 5 “Eat and Greet”

Tuesday 11 February

Year 5 classes will join together next Tuesday 11 February from 9.15am for activities on the Top Green/Tennis Courts followed by a joint lunch from 10.30am in the Bark Chip area. 


It will be a morning of exploration as we begin delving into activities around collaboration, building connections, friendship, self-discovery and communication. This is a great opportunity to connect with new classmates and staff as we start the year together, a crucial aspect in fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment that helps to build strong relationships within the new year group.


The “Eat and Greet” finishes with a structured session in the Bark Chip area where we will sit with our lunches, (brought from home) to participate in meaningful conversation, designed to create a positive learning team and environment, where both new and returning students can thrive both academically and socially. 

Primary School Sport Choices

To assist families with planning, please see this link for information about the various sports available at the Primary School this year. Details about training times and locations and dates for rosters and carnivals will be sent to parents via Operoo during the course of the year.  

Mini Swim Carnivals - Years 3 - 6

Wednesday 12 - Friday 14 February 

Mini Swim Carnivals will be held at Friends’ Health & Fitness pool during PE sessions on the following dates:


Wednesday 12 February

YEAR 6: 12.00-1.45pm


Thursday 13 February

YEAR 3: 9.00am -10.30am

YEAR 4 : 12.00pm - 1.30pm


Friday 14 February

YEAR 5: 9.00am - 10.30am


Students will be walked to and from school by class teachers and will be required to bring bathers, cap, towel and goggles (if required). All students are required to attend. 


The JSSATIS selection carnival will run on the following dates/times for children who have swum in 50 events in the mini carnivals and wish to be considered:

  • Year 5/6: Wednesday 19 February (9.15am-12.15pm)
  • Year 3/4: Thursday 20 February (9.15am-12.15pm)

Please contact Lisa Di Venuto if you require any further information.

NAPLAN - Years 3, 5, 7 and 9

For those families with students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9, NAPLAN assessments will be held in March between Wednesday 12 March and Monday 24 March. The NAPLAN assessments will be conducted on-line (with the exception of Year 3 Writing, which remains paper-based). 


Further information and specifics on the tests and timing will be provided to families with students in these year levels soon. In the meantime, more information for parents regarding Naplan Online can be found here  Please contact Wendy Crow in relation to Years 3 and 5.

Matilda The Musical Jr.

We are excited to be undertaking a 5-8 Musical this year, Matilda the Musical Jr. Auditions will be held for Named Characters on Saturday 15 February, and for students wishing to be a part of the Ensemble on Sunday 16 February. Please find detailed information about the auditions, including audition materials and sign up form in the link below. Audition Applications close on Friday 7 February at 4 pm. Once the show is cast we will seek expressions of interest for students who would like to work backstage.

Matilda the Musical Jr. Information


If your child will be absent from school for the day please advise the Primary School Office (phone: 6210 2228, or email: ) and the classroom teacher before 9.00am. We appreciate your support in this process.

Important Dates 

Term 1 Friday 31 January to Friday 11 April

Monday 10 February – Regatta Day holiday

Wednesday 12 February - Friends’ Welcome Family BBQ

Monday 10 March – Eight Hour Day holiday