Whole School

Catch-up Photo Day
For those students who were unable to attend the photo days this week, a catch-up photo day for your individual photo is scheduled for next week, Tuesday 11 February, 10am-12pm, in the lower foyer of The Farrall Centre. Students are required to wear full formal school uniform.
Please note, sibling photos will take place later on in the year on Wednesday 25 June. Bookings will open closer to the time.
Co-curricular Information
An online co-curricular handbook containing all the activities available for students to participate in during Term 1 will be shared via next week's What's On in the Whole School section.
Please note, sign-ups for Term 1 sport are due today as sports start next week (Basketball (Boys), Soccer (girls), Cricket (girls), Mountain Bike Club, Sailing and Orienteering). Also, Music ensembles start next week and students are welcome to attend the first lesson.
Parent Year Group Representatives 2025
The Friends’ School Parent Year Group Representatives are a selection of parents/guardians from each year level at the School from Kindergarten to Year 12.
They work together with the School to foster community spirit, communicate relevant and useful information to the parent community and enhance the quality of relationships within the school between teachers, parents and students.
Currently, we are looking for parents who might like to assist with Kindergarten, Year 8 and Year 12. If you are interested to know more about the purpose and role of the Parent Reps, please contact Bill Avery, Director of Community Engagement.
The following names are the Parent Representative contacts for each year level, plus links to their Facebook group pages. Please feel free to reach out to them.
Seeking applications (see above)
FB: to be provided soon.
Nakiya Young | nakiya.y@theyounggroup.com.au |
Jaimee Martin | jsluce@gmail.com |
Eliza Muskett | eliza.muskett@gmail.com |
FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/654324250212502/
Year 1
Finley Bonney | finley.a.bonney@gmail.com |
Julia Keating | jlskeating@gmail.com |
Bec Munnings | rebecca.munnings@police.tas.gov.au |
Alice Blackaby | alice.e.mulcahy@gmail.com |
Jessica Fisher | jessbrownmail@gmail.com |
FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/482614863886961/
Year 2
Brooke Garnham | brooke.garnham30@gmail.com |
Kate Wright | katewrightmail@gmail.com |
FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/665744274440372/?ref=share
Year 3
Yasmin Maskiell | kellyyasmin@hotmail.com |
Finley Bonney | finley.a.bonney@gmail.com |
Julia Keating | jlskeating@gmail.com |
FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/529581104679102/about
Year 4
Carla Melamet | carlamelamet@gmail.com |
Madeleine Bowerman | madeleinebowerman@outlook.com |
FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/624486078313550/?ref=group_header
Year 5
Katie Daniels | katietonta@gmail.com |
Youngsun Brown | youngsun@dougandyoungsun.com |
FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2230527743859810/?hc_location=ufi
Year 6
Allison Black | allison.black@ths.tas.gov.au |
Lauren Pratt | laureneve@gmail.com |
FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1493258777424040/?hc_location=ufi
Year 7
Lucy Loney | lloney@friends.tas.edu.au |
Kate Smith | kate.m.smith@outlook.com.au |
Louise Knott | louiseknott@hotmail.com |
Nikki Saunders | nikkisaunders2005@outlook.com |
FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1196295820468575/
Year 8
Jen Stacy | jenniferjunelb@me.com |
FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1681094518804863/?hc_location=ufi
Year 9
Marlene Davey | marlsd@yahoo.com |
FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1564986813747999/?hc_location=ufi
Year 10
Sarah Hood | ferghood@bigpond.com |
Brooke Garnham | brooke.garnham30@gmail.com |
FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/friendskinder2014/?hc_location=ufi
Year 11
Jane Gorman | jane_gorman@southernphone.com.au |
FB:FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/734310029982244/
Year 12 - Awaiting Applications
NAPLAN - Years 3, 5, 7 and 9
For those families with students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9, NAPLAN assessments will be held in March. The NAPLAN assessments will be conducted online (with the exception of Year 3 Writing, which remains paper-based). The NAPLAN assessments in Primary, Middle and Senior Secondary School will take place between Wednesday 12 March and Monday 24 March.
Further information and specifics on the tests and timing will be provided to families with students in these year levels soon. In the meantime, more information for parents regarding Naplan Online can be found here Please contact Wendy Crow in relation to Years 3 and 5, John Hoggart for Year 7, Kate Baldry or Aaron Davey for Year 9 if you have any questions.
Casual Main Reception / Administration Cover Role
The School is seeking expressions of interest from a suitable person to add to its Reception and Administration casual staff list. This person may be available on a casual basis to cover Main Reception and perform administration duties from 3 to 6 hours at a time. This position creates a welcoming, warm and positive first impression with all they come in contact with, whether via telephone, email or in person. Experience working in an office environment, skills in managing telephone enquiries and prioritising work is desirable.
Suitable candidates must have a current Working with Vulnerable People (employment level) registration in Tasmania or the ability to obtain registration.
If you would like to discuss this role further or submit an expression of interest (including your Resume), please contact the Human Resources department at employment@friends.tas.edu.au by 9am Monday 17 February.
Senior School Principal's Tour
We are hosting a Principal’s Tour of the Senior School (Years 9 to 12) and warmly invite you to share this invitation to prospective families who may be interested in attending and have no students currently enrolled at the school.
The guided tour offers the opportunity to meet and talk with our Principal, Esther Hill, learn more about our curriculum and co-curricular programs, view our facilities, meet staff members and engage with current Senior School students. The tour will conclude with a morning tea and an opportunity to speak with our Enrolments team.
Book your tickets here.
2025 Music Ensembles Rehearsal Schedule
The final 2025 schedule is available here. Please note there has been a change to the time of Middle School Vocal ensemble. The new time for this ensemble is 7:35am - 8:20am Friday mornings. All Ensembles will commence Tuesday 11 February.
For any questions, please contact Paul Kershna.
2026 Scholarship Applications Now Open
Online applications for Merit, Music and Boarding Scholarships for entry into Years 7 and 11 in 2026 are now open. More information on these scholarships can be found on the Scholarships & Bursaries page of the website. Scholarship applications are submitted online and there is no cost to apply.
If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact our Enrolments Office or call 6210 2286.
Quaker Meetings for Worship
All members of The Friends’ School community are welcome to attend our Meeting for Worship any Sunday from 10.00am, closing about 11.00am, with morning tea available afterwards.
Children are always welcome and there is a Children’s Meeting held concurrently with the Meeting for Worship. They learn about Quaker values through a range of interesting and fun activities. Around 10.50am the children join the Meeting for Worship, settling into the gathered Meeting for the last 10 minutes, usually sitting with their parents.
If you have any enquiries about the Children’s meeting please email the Clerk, Margaret Bywater, rmtasclerk@quakersaustralia.info
Thursday Morning Meeting for Worship
Members of The Friends' School community are welcome to attend a short Meeting for Worship held each Thursday morning during term time, starting at 7.40am. Just come quietly in when you can and join us until 8.20am in the Hobart Quaker Meeting House, which is located just below the Middle School Office on Boa Vista Road.
Community Yoga
Starting 12 February - Wednesdays 7.45am - 8.15am
An inspiring way to start your day with energising movement, focused breathing and a moment for relaxation and stillness. All members of the school community are welcome to attend and no prior yoga experience is necessary.
Community Yoga is held in Hodgkin Hall and Julia will meet you outside the door on the Carr Street side of the school at 7.40am. If you would like more information contact our school Yoga teacher Julia Gibson.